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Conjunctivitis/pink eye question... UPDATE!

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LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

130 total posts


Conjunctivitis/pink eye question... UPDATE!

I believe I have this and I think I caught it from my son. He's had it before, and I never caught it from him, but now I guess I'm lucky. I woke up in early this morning and my eye was stuck shut with gookey stuff. Same thing my son has had. I don't have a primary care physician, since I usually go to my OB/GYN for everything. I'm waiting for them to call me back. Do you think they could prescribe something for me, or does this go away on it's own? I want to make sure I get the appropriate prescription since I'm PG. I can't use the drops my son has since it's harmful to a fetus. Any thoughts? Thanks!

What's worse is that I'm at work, only have contacts to wear and never invested in glasses. My eyes don't bother me at all.


Well I spoke to the OB nurse and she could only find the Nurse Practioner and they are going to prescribe something called Polytrim. She said your body will absorb some of course but since it's in such minute (sp?) amounts it won't harm anything. Well, I looked it up online and I'm really not comfortable with taking it. I don't know what to do? I'm going to have to take something. It of course says there's a chance of fetal abnormalities or congenital abnormalities, it's unkown. How can I take something that says I could be harming my unborn child? Chat Icon What would you do?

Message edited 2/22/2006 1:45:45 PM.

Posted 2/22/06 10:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Conjunctivitis/pink eye question...

I think you should go see an optometrist or ophthalmologist and let them know you are pregnant and they will be able to prescribe something. Just so you know since it seems that you are wearing your contacts w/the infection, you should throw them out and get a pair of glasses. You shouldn't wear contacts when you have an infection, your eye needs to breathe. (I use to work in an optometrist's office)
Feel better Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 10:46 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: Conjunctivitis/pink eye question...

Definitely call your OB. That's who I used when I needed a prescription for anything while I was PG. There must be an outbreak of pink eye going around. My GF called last night to cancel a kid GTG for today b/c her son has it and then I woke up this morning to my daughter having it.

Posted 2/22/06 10:47 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Conjunctivitis/pink eye question...

My OB said if I was ever sick I could go to them instead of PCP while I'm PG.

They're going to tell you not to wear your contacts - and to throw those lenses out. Maybe you should go get a cheapie pair of glasses to wear for the next few days until your eye clears up? But its realy important not to wear contacts to let your eyes heal.

I hope its better soon!

Posted 2/22/06 11:09 AM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Conjunctivitis/pink eye question...

I mainly wear contacts but do like a break from them sometimes and wear glasses too. Anytime I had any eye ailment I went to the eye Dr he would usually gives me drops and told me not to wear contacts for a few days. Feel better Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 11:26 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

130 total posts


Re: Conjunctivitis/pink eye question... UPDATE!

BUMP! Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/06 2:05 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Conjunctivitis/pink eye question... UPDATE!

oh boy. my ds has pink eye right now. and i read in my baby book that drops dont always clear it up anyway. have you been trying warm compresses every couple of minutes?? thats what my book says works just as well sometimes. i would try the hot water for a day or two. and see if that works. then if your eye is no better, i would give the drops a try. but only if you are comfortable with that.

Posted 2/22/06 2:12 PM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

1536 total posts


Re: Conjunctivitis/pink eye question... UPDATE!

If the docotor's office is saying that it is ok to take, then I would take it. I dont think they would perscribe something that was unsafe.
Feel better.

Posted 2/22/06 2:13 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Conjunctivitis/pink eye question... UPDATE!

You can greatly reduce the amount of drug that is absorbed into the blood from eye drops by proper administration of the drops. The correct way to administer eye drops is:

1) Wash your hands
2) Pull down on the lower lid to form kind of a "pocket" for the medication. Leave the upper lid alone.
3) Instill a drop of medication.
4) Close the eye and press on the inside corner of the eye, next to the bridge of the nose and hold it for 3-5 minutes.
5) Repeat these steps for the other eye if needed.
6) Repeat the above steps if another drop is needed in the same eye.

This will result in most of the medication staying in the eye where it belongs instead of it being absorbed in the blood.

Posted 2/23/06 1:08 AM

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