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Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

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Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

Thank you all for your support. I am going to stay away from NFR. It always get's too crazy on there and I don't have enough energy for it all right now. I love it on the Parenting Board. Everyone is always so supportive. Thank you all!!!!!!!

My problem:

I hate my current ped. but thanks to stefanie I will be going to someone new next month (booked all of AugustChat Icon ) so I had to go to the one I hate today.

He is 11 weeks old and she put him on Pedi Care, Amoxxacilin (sp) and Pedialyte. Oh and saline drops. Doesn't that seem like a lot of medicine. He is so out of it. He seems to have a glassy look in his eyes. DH is not home but I just called him and told him to come home. I am so worried Andrew is being overmedicatedChat IconeChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/14/2006 9:21:01 PM.

Posted 8/14/06 9:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

Sorry , I hope that Andrew feels better. It does seem like alot of meds however, Saline is just to clear his little nose - no medicine in that, As far as Pedi care adn and antiboditc I am not sure. I know that my ped doesnt recommend that in the beginning. If Andrew has Strep then he needs the antibiodic though. I hope he feels better soon. The Pedi care could be making Andre sleepy, it knocks my son out within an hour.

Posted 8/14/06 9:32 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

I would stick to the Amoxycillin as that is an antibiotic, if you wanna skip the PediCare (my doc said decongestants, if that is the one I am thinking of, are useless on kids as young as Andrew)

Pedialyte is just to keep him hydrated and full of nutrients if he has diarrhea or is not drinking his milk/formula, I have never had to use this. AS long as he is taking in some bottles and his diapers are wet, he should be OK... and saline drops will just help clear him out...

BUT, when babies are sick...they do ZONE out and sleep A LOT...don't be alarmed unless he has a SUPER high fever, isn't drinking, or has diarrhea to the point that his outtake is higher than his intake...

FEEL BETTER ANDREW!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/14/06 9:32 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

What is wrong with him? symptoms? diagnosis? Then I can tell you if he's overmedicated or not IMO (I'm a pharmacist).

Posted 8/14/06 9:35 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

Posted by monkeybride

What is wrong with him? symptoms? diagnosis? Then I can tell you if he's overmedicated or not IMO (I'm a pharmacist).

He is very congested. I have to suction him out every 30 mins or so. The dr. said it was all in his chest too. He has an awful cough and can't keep anything down. I don't even think the Amox stayed in himChat Icon

Posted 8/14/06 9:38 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

Which PediaCare is he taking? There are different formulations. He could have kind of a "glassy" look in his eyes just from having sinus congestion. I know I get that way.

How much does he weigh? How much Pediacare is he getting? How long after the Amoxicillin did he throw up? There may have been enough time to allow a decent amount to get absorbed before he vomited.

Posted 8/14/06 9:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

Posted by pharmcat2000

Which PediaCare is he taking? There are different formulations. He could have kind of a "glassy" look in his eyes just from having sinus congestion. I know I get that way.

How much does he weigh? How much Pediacare is he getting? How long after the Amoxicillin did he throw up? There may have been enough time to allow a decent amount to get absorbed before he vomited.

He weighs 11 lbs 15 oz. He is on Pedi Care - Decongestant & Cough .04 ml every 4 hrs. He threw up about 15 mins after the Amox. ( 50 ml 1cc every 12 hrs for 15 days)

Posted 8/14/06 9:49 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

Ditto what Pharmcat said but just one question, why the Amoxicillin? Are they certain it's bacterial and not viral? Miranda is 11 months old and has been sick with those symptoms several times and has not had antibiotics once becasue they do nothing for a "cold" or viral infection.

Posted 8/14/06 9:55 PM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

The ped was worried that because she hears it in his chest that you could get pneumonia. She freaked me out. Now I am so paranoid. I have him right next to me now and I keep checking on him to make sure he is breathingChat Icon

I guess I am just nervous because this is his first time being sick plus I haven't slept and feel like garbageChat Icon

Posted 8/14/06 9:58 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

Posted by 5ofClubs

The ped was worried that because she hears it in his chest that you could get pneumonia. She freaked me out. Now I am so paranoid. I have him right next to me now and I keep checking on him to make sure he is breathingChat Icon

I guess I am just nervous because this is his first time being sick plus I haven't slept and feel like garbageChat Icon

OK that makes sense, they never heard the congestion in Miranda's chest.
Can your mom come and help you? You need to rest also.

Posted 8/14/06 10:13 PM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

2100 total posts


Re: Thank you everyone. I do love it on the Parenting Board. I can't stay away that long I need HELP with Andrew's medication...

Did they check for RSV? Steven had it when he was about 12 weeks and was in the hospital twice. If you end up back at the dr I would definitely mention it.

Posted 8/14/06 10:18 PM

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