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for those with older kids

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5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


for those with older kids

my daughter is 16 months and has been sleeping through the nite for quite sometime now just lately she has been getting up in the middle of the nite and not wanting to go back to sleep unless she lies down with me. I try to lay her back down in her bed but she keeps popping back up I will give her a pacifyer and that don't work then I try milk or juice that don't work finally I give in and lay down in bed with her cuz I have to get up for work. Sometimes she falls right to sleep and I can get up and go into my bed other times as soon as I move she wakes up and I then take her in the bed with me and she will go right out and we both sleep well.

Anyone else experience this? How did you manage? What did you do?

Posted 1/25/06 12:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: for those with older kids

THis went on for a while and still does at timea and Sammy is 3 1/2. The diffrence now is he is not allowed in my bed until the morning unless he is sick. I will go lay with him in his bed until he falls asleep again which is about 15 minutes. It is all security.

Posted 1/25/06 12:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: for those with older kids

IS she sleeping in a bed not a crib?
My daughter went through a phase where she would wake in the middle of the night and wouldn't stay asleep unless I was there. If she woke up and I was putting her back in her crib, she would cry. I gave in a few times also and would just hold her but I need my sleep too so I stayed persistant and I would hold her til she fell asleep and then put her back in her crib. She would wake up and I would repeat it. Eventually after like 3 or 4 times of this, she was so exhausted, she would just roll over and go to sleep in her crib again.

Posted 1/25/06 12:36 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: for those with older kids

Posted by NovemberSue

IS she sleeping in a bed not a crib?
My daughter went through a phase where she would wake in the middle of the night and wouldn't stay asleep unless I was there. If she woke up and I was putting her back in her crib, she would cry. I gave in a few times also and would just hold her but I need my sleep too so I stayed persistant and I would hold her til she fell asleep and then put her back in her crib. She would wake up and I would repeat it. Eventually after like 3 or 4 times of this, she was so exhausted, she would just roll over and go to sleep in her crib again.

I had converted the crib into a toddler bed right after thanksgiving cuz she wouldn't sleep in her crib anymore and whe n I made made the transition she was great she was sleeping through the nite without a problem just recently this has been happening I thoguht it was a fluke or that she had a nitemare but its been going on for a few weeks its gonna be 3 weeks soon the first week I tried to let her cry but I wouldn't be bale to go to sleep with her crying and then I would sit on the floor and put my head on her pillow and she would fall asleep but sometimes would wake up when I would move or a little while after I left. after a while of this I was exhausted so I would just give in and bring her into my room so we could both get a good nite sleep

Message edited 1/27/2006 2:24:34 PM.

Posted 1/25/06 12:58 PM

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