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:( Russian adopted child killed by mother

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


:( Russian adopted child killed by mother

This women should NEVER have been a mother..this hurts all that want to adopt children. :( These poor babies.

The Washington Post
March 2, 2006

Mother Admits Killing Daughter
Death of Russian Child Could Imperil Future Adoptions

By Theresa Vargas
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 2, 2006; B02

Peggy Sue Hilt, standing in a Manassas courtroom yesterday, admitted
killing her adopted Russian daughter, punching and kicking the
2-year-old so much that the tiny body was bruised all over. Between
her eyes, on her chin, across her back and stomach.

Hilt had been enraged, she told police, and she had never bonded with
the child.

Her court appearance was brief -- just long enough for a detective to
describe the abuse and for Hilt to whisper a guilty plea to
second-degree murder -- but the child's slaying has caused an
international uproar.

Few familiar with Russian adoptions talk about Nina Victoria Hilt's
death without mentioning the others. There was 8-year-old Dennis
Merryman, who starved to death five years after coming to the United
States. Before him was 6-year-old Alex Pavlis, beaten to death, and
Liam Thompson, 3, who died after he was scalded by hot bath water.
And so on and so on until the first known death in 1996. David
Polreis was 2 when he was beaten to death with wooden spoons,
authorities said.

In all, 14 adopted Russian children have been killed in the United
States, officials say.

"If more and more children are being hurt, I am concerned about the
future of adoptions with Russia," said Patrick Mason, with the
International Adoption Center at Inova Hospital for Children. Since
Nina's death, many Russian officials have shuffled through Mason's
Fairfax office. "They see these children are coming here and they are
being abused and they are being killed," he said. "Do you keep
sending kids if they are being hurt?"

That question has troubled Russian citizens and the U.S. adoption
community in the months since Nina's death July 2. Russian officials
initially called for a moratorium on U.S. adoptions, and although
they have eased back on the threat, many fear that Russia will halt
adoptions if additional abuse occurs. Romania currently has such a
ban in place. U.S. and Russian officials have also called for
reforms, including stricter screening of prospective parents,
improved pre-adoption training and a reevaluation of independent
adoptions, those done through agencies not accredited by Russia.

According to the U.S. State Department, Russia is the second most
popular country for international adoptions, after China. In 2005,
the United States issued 4,639 immigrant visas to Russian orphans,
down from 5,865 issued in 2004.

Adoption experts said they could not point to as many deaths among
children adopted from any other country, including China. They said
this could be in part because many of the Russian children who are
adopted have behavioral and developmental problems either passed to
them from parents with poor prenatal care, including fetal alcohol
syndrome, or the result of their growing up in orphanages. Adoptive
parents, they add, are given little preparation for what to expect.

An estimated 600,000 Russian children live in orphanages.

"These children came out of darkness, out of desperate institutions.
This is all they've known," said Dr. Ronald S. Federici, an
Alexandria neuropsychologist and expert on inter-country adoptions.
He has adopted seven children, three from Russia. "Parents try
traditional parenting, try to treat them as normal kids, and they
are so far off."

"Anyone can get in over their head," Federici added. "So what
happens if they are not trained, if they are not prepared? Disasters
happen like this one."

In a 42-page transcript of her statement to police, Peggy Sue Hilt,
33, detailed the abuse that erupted July 1 at her home in Wake
Forest, N.C.

"I hurt Nina," she began. "I choked her and I hit her and hit her."

"She was not behaving and not listening and just crying," Hilt told
police. "I was so angry so angry. I got up to her bedroom and I said
stop it, stop it! I dropped her on the floor and I kicked her."

Hilt told police she then put Nina back in bed and continued punching
her on the back with a closed fist. She could not say how many times
she hit Nina or if the child cried.

Hilt and her husband, Christopher, had adopted Nina, a curly-haired
girl from Siberia, 16 months earlier. She told police they
immediately encountered problems: potty training issues, speech
delay, a lack of connection. "Since I brought Nina home we never
bonded," Hilt told police. When asked whether the child favored
someone else, she replied simply: "Anybody but me."

Nina died a day after the abuse occurred. She had slowly grown paler
and more feverish during a four-hour drive to Prince William County,
where the family visited friends. An autopsy determined that the
cause of death was blunt trauma to the abdomen.

Hilt will remain in jail until her sentencing on May 25. Her
attorney, William Stephens, said that psychological evaluations
found Hilt to be sane and competent, but he plans to have another
evaluation done before sentencing.

"It's sad," Stephens said. "Looking back, I suspect that there was
easily a way that this would never have happened."

Hilt also had a second adopted child -- Nataliya, 4 -- from the
Ukraine. Police said she showed no signs of abuse. Officials said
Nataliya is in social services custody.

Prince William's chief prosecutor, Paul B. Ebert, said after the
hearing that he believes the maximum sentence of 40 years in prison
would be appropriate. "We can't justify our actions simply because
we don't bond with the child," he said. "It's a horrible case when
an innocent child is beaten to death. It's hard to understand how
anybody could do that."

Ebert said he has received numerous calls from Russian media
representatives since the slaying. At the same time, some U.S.
parents and officials have taken out full-page ads in major Russian

"The American adoption community spoke very respectfully and very
passionately to the Russian government saying we are heartbroken over
these deaths, we are going to enact reforms to continue improving so
these things don't happen, but please don't shut down adoptions,"
Thomas Atwood, president of the National Council for Adoptions,
said. "That's the only way these tragic events could be made more

Posted 3/3/06 12:57 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

213 total posts


Re: :( Russian adopted child killed by mother

I am sick to my stomach. No "mother" would do that to her child. Unfortunately that child never had a "mother"


Posted 3/3/06 2:38 PM

And so it goes....

Member since 9/05

2217 total posts


Re: :( Russian adopted child killed by mother

This sickens me. This case and the other like it have contributed to the slow down in Russian adoptions. Reacreditation of American adoption agencies in Russia is moving very slowly this year. There are so many families waiting.

Posted 3/3/06 3:29 PM


Member since 5/05

1207 total posts


Re: :( Russian adopted child killed by mother

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ..I can't believe this happens!!!Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/06 9:43 AM

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