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Boiling my nipples

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Boiling my nipples

Well, now that I have your attention, I have to let you down by saying that its Dr Brown's nipples actually...

So I use Dr Brown's bottles and I am a steraliser, but I have noticed that even though I wash the nipples with soap and water and rinse them with hot water, they still have a sort of scummy film on I have tried boiling them and they came out much cleaner.

Does anyone boil their nips on a regular basis? Is this something I should be doing outside of steralising?

What thinketh you ladies?

Posted 2/22/06 5:35 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Boiling my nipples

i think it is common to boil nipples, i do not have kids, but my SIL did this all the time for all 3 kids - just be careful - one time she left them on the stove and forgot about it and started a fire in the kitchen - thank god everything was ok - but the fire dept. came and everything! Chat Icon I can just imagine, "My Nipples on Fire!"

Posted 2/22/06 5:55 PM

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Re: Boiling my nipples

What are you washing them with? Mine come out clean, I use a bottle brush with a sponge tip.

Posted 2/22/06 6:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Boiling my nipples

I use my steam sterilizer daily and boil all the pieces of the Dr. Brown's bottles once a week.

Posted 2/22/06 6:37 PM

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Re: Boiling my nipples

I put them in the dishwasher and they come out clean. However, I did notice that I used to hand wash (with a bottle brush) all my level 1 nipples and those DO have that filmy look to them.

Posted 2/22/06 7:43 PM

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Re: Boiling my nipples

Posted by BabyAvocado

I put them in the dishwasher and they come out clean. However, I did notice that I used to hand wash (with a bottle brush) all my level 1 nipples and those DO have that filmy look to them.

same here

Posted 2/22/06 8:21 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Boiling my nipples

I only remember to boil them about once every 2 weeks -- I'm a bad mom, I always forget -- however they look crystal clean when I just washing them with the bottle brush -- and have a film when I boil them, so I always follow up with washing them after boiling them, if that makes any sense at all.

Posted 2/22/06 8:34 PM

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Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Boiling my nipples

Did anyone call Advent or Dr. Brown on this? I remember I called about the Avent bottles leaking & asked how to get the film from the bottles off. I vaguely remember something with vinegar.

I found this post on another forum:

How do you get your bottle nipples clean?

I am using Avent stage 1 nipples for bottled breast milk and hand wash them in scalding hot water with dish soap and really scrub them with a bottle scrub brush. Although they appear clean and scum free when I am done it never fails once they are dry they still have a film on the inside (the milk fat I guess). Do others have this problem? Is it safe to use them like that? Can someone recommend a better way of cleaning them? Thank you. new mom

eta. This post definitely wins best Post Subject - excellent title!

I use Dawn liquid detergent and scalding hot water. I have found that this is the only detergent that succesfully removes all of the oil breastmilk leaves in bottles and nipples, but the water MUST be hot for it to work well. If anyone at home other than myself washes her bottles and nipples, I find that I always end up having to re-wash them because of the oily film. I soak them in the hot, soapy water for a few minutes to melt the oil down, then scrub, then rinse in scalding hot water. Everything comes out sparkly, just like in the commercials.
I am not familiar with the nipples you use, but keep in mind that rubber nipples and pacfiers visibly ''wear out'' and look and eventually feel dirty no matter how clean they actually are. I had to throw out some of my daughter's favorite pacifiers because they always seemed sticky - the rubber had been washed so much in hot water it was beginning to break down. I use silicone nipples, and they come clean everytime. Anonymous

Message edited 2/22/2006 8:40:48 PM.

Posted 2/22/06 8:40 PM

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