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Anyone else a motherless mother?

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Never Forget

Member since 2/06

2735 total posts


Anyone else a motherless mother?

Message edited 8/3/2007 9:04:38 PM.

Posted 9/29/06 6:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Girls

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Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

I lost both of my parents, my dad when I was 11 and my mom when I was 21.. I have my aunt who I am very close with, and I am very lucky because there are things Gianna does and my aunt will tell me that is what you used to do.. I think that is what is so hard I have so many questions about how I was when I was a baby and would love to compare to my daughter Chat Icon But as far as things I always tell her now at 8 months that her grandparents are her angels, and I tell her how they love her to pieces, as she gets older I don't know how I am going to explain it but it will have to be done because their memory needs to be kept alive.. One thing is after all the heartaches I went through, she has brought me so much joy, and love... Hugs to you and if you ever need to chat FM me..

Posted 9/29/06 6:24 PM

Never Forget

Member since 2/06

2735 total posts


Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

Message edited 8/3/2007 9:04:50 PM.

Posted 9/29/06 6:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

I have a mother but she is dual diagnosis MR/MI therefore she's very child like and not high functioning. She's been like this most of my life and I've never known what it's like to have a real mother/daughter relationship. I can't have a conversation with her because it's like talking to a five year child. When I did bring my son to see her, she rejected him and wanted allof the attention for herself. I haven't lived with her since I was 15 and now I'm 31 but it doesn't really make a difference. My dad died 5 years ago and was my best friend. I have no siblings and am very lonely.

I have to say that my DS is 7 months old and I have always missed not having a "mom". It's been something that I have always had to deal with and having a child has been rough. I don't have the closeness with another woman to be able to share my fears and happiness. DH doesn't ever think about it and I don't think that he realizes how sad it is not to have parents.

I don't really have any strong female figures in my life. I do have a MIL but she has two daughters of her own and it's different. It's very sad and I wish that I had advice for you. I think that all you can do is things such as thins which is reach out to people to talk about it and find others who understand. All of my girlfriends have their mothers and I would want nothing less for them but sometimes it makes me feel very sorry for myself and envious (but not in a jeleous/devious way) if that makes any sense. I wish I had that type of relationship for one day in my life sometimes. But, at least I can't miss something that I never had. Sorry to be a pitty party but I do feel for you.

Posted 9/29/06 9:13 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

I am not, but I'm a fatherless mother. I can't believe it, but this October my dad will be gone 10 years. I talk to Jordana about him and I show her pictures of him. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

This may sound wierd, but I think he watches over Jordana and sometimes she can see him. She will laugh out of nowhere in places that were special to him and in my apartment she will stare at a corner and just laugh and laugh.

Posted 9/29/06 9:18 PM

My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

I am a fatherless mother and it is soooo tough. I wish everyday that my father was here to see all of my DD firsts. I have a pic of my father and i on my frig and also in my living room and my DD always smiles and talks to it which makes me feel like he is still around. He Loved my daughter so much. My last convo with my dad was actually about my daughter and before he hung up the phone for what was the last time i heard his voice he said, "tell my little angel i love her more then life itself, give her a hug and kiss for me". God i miss that man. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Sending you hugsChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/29/06 9:27 PM

boy mamma

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Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

I am a motherless mother, I lost my mom about 4 years ago, there is so many things that I wish I could ask her about parenting and Im sooo upset that my son will not know her personally. She would have been an outstanding grandmother had she been given the chance. I bring my son to the cemetary every now and again and I tell him that his grandma is in heaven.Chat Icon He is only 15 months so he doesnt really understand yet but I try to show him pics and say "grandma in heaven" I want him to know of her just the same as his other living grandparents. I will talk of her often as his gets older. I find that I am very similar mother to her. I find myself doing and saying things to my son that she said to us without realizing it- those little things help to keep her memory alive.
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/29/06 9:58 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

I am, I cannot begin to tell you how hard it is not having her here for me and my little girl. I lost my mom over 10 years ago, but it's been very hard. Throughout my pregnancy, and now. There are many times I talk to her and tell her I wish she was here to help me, guide me,give me a break, and just be there.

I do have an Aunt that is the closest person I have in my life. But even still, it's not the same.

I fell for you, if you ever want to talk please feel free to FM meChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/29/2006 10:24:05 PM.

Posted 9/29/06 10:23 PM

Never Forget

Member since 2/06

2735 total posts


Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

Message edited 8/3/2007 9:05:01 PM.

Posted 9/29/06 10:23 PM

Spring Baby06
My two loves

Member since 5/05

3612 total posts


Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

Posted by majen

I think becoming a mother has been theraputic because I can once again have that mother/child relationship that I feel like I lost too soon. Chat Icon

I comepletely agree, I think that's why I have a little girl, to continie the bond my Mother and I had.

Posted 9/29/06 10:26 PM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone else a motherless mother?

I am one. I lost my mother 9 years ago. It was so hard for me when I had my first son 7 years ago. As a first time mom, I wanted to get advice from her or just to say ohh you use to do that when you were small. Just to have her there whenever I needed her. It was rough! But, I did good even though I didn't have her with me. Now I have my 2nd son and it is so much easier. But, still I wish she was with me. I know she is with me always and watching over us.

Many Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to all the motherless/fatherless mommies.

Posted 9/29/06 11:32 PM

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