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How much and how often does your newborn eat?

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LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1140 total posts


How much and how often does your newborn eat?

I have been bottle feeding Marissa (I pump for breastmilk) and I generally feed her about 3 and half oz. every 3-4 hours during the day and 4 oz every 3.5-4 hours at night. She's exactly 3 weeks old today.
I'm just not sure if I'm feeding her too much (if there's such a thing). She always burps and rarely spits up so I think I'm giving her the right amount. Is there a general guideline to follow when it comes to how much and how often to feed newborns? Also, is there a difference when it comes to breastmilk vs. formula?

Posted 10/7/05 2:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: How much and how often does your newborn eat?

You can never overfeed a baby.... I am getting that drilled into my head by my husband and my pediatricians...

Jacob is 5 weeks old and I am feeding him during the day every 3 hours or so 4-4.5 oz of formula a feeding. At night before he goes to bed I am giving him 4.5 oz at around 11:30 pm and now he has been sleeping until 5:30 in the morning...

Posted 10/7/05 3:46 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: How much and how often does your newborn eat?

Katherine is 4 weeks old. We give her two bottles of formula a day and the rest of the time I nurse--that is about 8 breastfeedings a day give or take. She will go from between 1 to 2 1/2 hours between feedings during the day and about 3-4 overnight.

I have no idea how much breastmilk she drinks, but she averages 20 minute feedings. As for the bottles, she drinks anywhere from 2 1/2 oz. to 4 oz.

My pediatrician also said give her as much as she wants and when she wants. I think the average is feedings every 2-3 hours?

Posted 10/7/05 4:22 PM

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