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Need tips on spoon feeding

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Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Need tips on spoon feeding

How did you start? And how often?

We started at 4 months but to be honest have not been too consistant with it- she really isn't that interested and you have to catch in just the right mood, which is kind of hard.

She is 5 months now and I am trying to give her stuff that tastes good to get her into it. how did you start, when, and how often?
The most I can get in to her is a few spoonfuls.

Posted 5/11/06 9:05 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Need tips on spoon feeding

Do you ever let her hold the spoon herself? I sometimes give Emily her own spoon and hold a spoon myself --- she loves to feed herself -- and it keeps her occupied between bites because she loves to chew on it.

Posted 5/11/06 9:11 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Need tips on spoon feeding

Sorry, I am no help. Hayley opens her mouth real wide when she sees the spoon coming...Chat Icon

Posted 5/11/06 9:33 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Need tips on spoon feeding

We started at 4 months but like Kate, Miranda wasn't very interested and flat out refused most of the time. We would just take a week or two break and try again. Finally she just liked it.
Miranda loved pears and prunes and still does but now she eats lots of other things. Have you tried different brands of food? Miranda would eat pears from Earths Best but not the generic organic line. Now at 7 months she's not as picky but she still doesn't care for peaches.
We also gave her the spoon to play with so she could put it in her mouth and get a feel for it. You just have to watch her closely.
It wasn't until a little after 5 months that things started to get easier with solids and I would say by 6 months we had a good routine.
She eats breakfast and lunch just about every day and sometimes lunch but if she refuses then I don't try to coax her. We'll just offer her an extra bottle since most of her daily nutrition comes from that.
Good Luck Chat Icon

Posted 5/11/06 9:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

341 total posts


Re: Need tips on spoon feeding

Posted by 2003fallwedding

Sorry, I am no help. Hayley opens her mouth real wide when she sees the spoon coming...Chat Icon

DD is the same way -- when she sees us getting her bib, she goes nuts & keeps her mouth open!

Posted 5/11/06 11:43 AM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: Need tips on spoon feeding

DS has been doing well with the spoon right from the begining. I let him try to hold it himself and help me feed him. I also put some of the food on his fingers, so that he can taste it that way too. Usually as he is sucking on his fingers, he will then open his mouth for the spoon. I just a small amount of food with each spoon full. DS does have to be in a good mood too though to be interested in eating. If not, forget...he clamps down his jaw and doesn't let anything in. Each day is different, just depends on how hungry he is and if he isn't cranky & tired.

Posted 5/11/06 1:10 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Need tips on spoon feeding

tough one...Alyson loves it and does well with a spoon...

maybe because she sees me eating with utensils often

Posted 5/12/06 11:06 AM

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