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C-Section - How long does it take?

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Member since 8/05

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C-Section - How long does it take?

For those who have had c-sections....from start to finish how long was the process?

How long did it take to stitch you up after the baby was out?

Posted 3/16/06 1:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

The whole process frpm beg. to and was 20min.-half an hour.....Ryan was out in 6 min.

Posted 3/16/06 1:25 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

The prep takes a bit of time..when they do your IV (NOT in the OR) and get your set up. Then you get your spinal which is pretty quick. The baby is out very quickly, within 10 minutes tops the rest takes about 20-30 minutes, unless there are complications which may take longer, of course. I don't recall exactly how long it took for the spinal to wear off but it did not wear off right away, which I was grateful for in many ways. You are in recovery for a bit too..I was in for 2 hours because of pain management issues.

Posted 3/16/06 2:21 PM

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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

I would say about 30 - 40mins from start to finish. The baby is out in like 5 mins though. The longest part is when they are stitching you back up.

Posted 3/16/06 2:29 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

Posted by BabyAvocado

I would say about 30 - 40mins from start to finish. The baby is out in like 5 mins though. The longest part is when they are stitching you back up.

same for me, in my woozy state I remember looking at the clock as they wheeled me back in my room and thinking wow only 45 minutes since I left my room!

(no recovery room, just my room to O/R, then back to my room)

Posted 3/16/06 2:53 PM

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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

They started at 5pm and my daughter was born at 5:34. Took them like 10-15 mins to finish everything else. (from what I remember)

Posted 3/16/06 3:47 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

I think I was in the OR for about 45 minutes (so DH says because I cannot remember at all most of what was going on).In recovery for about an hour.

Posted 3/16/06 9:09 PM

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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

From start to finish appr. an hour. If you are having a repeat c/s it usually takes a little longer because there is scar tissue.

Posted 3/16/06 10:53 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

Posted by Disneygirl

From start to finish appr. an hour. If you are having a repeat c/s it usually takes a little longer because there is scar tissue.

Wow, good to know, I had no idea. I may end up having a repeat, so I need all the info I can gather.

Posted 3/16/06 11:02 PM

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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

i witnessed one a few years ago doing a rotation in the L&D for my EMT class, as an extra experience... it was the most amazing thing ever - it took about a half hour, but the baby was born in about 5-7 minutes! Chat Icon Chat Icon

i will never forget it! neat to see what goes on on the other side of the curtain!

Posted 3/16/06 11:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

They started me at 8:45 and my little one arrived at 9:05 and a few more minutes for stitching up.

Posted 3/17/06 9:34 AM

Making big changes

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Re: C-Section - How long does it take?

It was about 30 minutes total. Like everybody else said though, the baby was out in about 5 minutes. The stinky thing was being strapped down and getting stitched up while DH got to hold Christopher.

Posted 3/17/06 9:40 AM

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