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my mom is driving me NUTS!!!- sorry it's long

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too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


my mom is driving me NUTS!!!- sorry it's long

My mom is making me crazy lately. We run a business together (dance studio) and our end of the year recital is in 2 weeks. So right now there's a lot to be done- process ticket orders, copy all music to one master tape, final rehearsals, type the program, etc...
The problem is, my mom wants everything done when it's convenient for her, and if that means I need to cancel my plans, well then that's what I have to do. If I don't come running when she's available, she tells me that my priorities are off and that I don't do my full share- which is a big fat load of BS.
Um, last time I checked, I don't remeber her ever coming to my house to work on business stuff, I always have to run to her house. We had plans to tape the music on Saturday morning, so I wake up extra early and she tells me that she's babysitting my 8 yeaa old niece (who's more than capable of entertaining herself) and wants to do it in the afternoon. I told her that that's not possible since I made my days plans around working with her in the morning and then going to Woodbury Commons with DH. So she gets aggrivated and tells me to come over after dinner. So I rush home and call her at 6:30 and she tells me they haven't eaten yet to come at 8:30. So I come at 8:30 and she says she doesn't feel well, she would rather do it Sunday. So I again tell her that's not really fair. I have plans to go to the beach, can we do it at night? She says she doesn't want to do it during the night because her friend is coming over and staying the night, we MUST do it in the morning. So I cancel my plans with DH and went over yesterday to do the stupid music.
So then she calls me today and tells me to come over tonight to process tickets. I go over there and there's 4 orders to be processed. It would have taken her all of 5 minutes to do it without me. So I decide to shut up and just not say anything at all.
I get ready to leave and I say, "maybe I should just take the ticket stuff home so I don't have to come here every day and I'll process them myself as they come in." So she says, "oh it's such a big deal for you to come over here?"
I tried to nicely explain that for me to go out of my way for 5 minutes of work is silly. Not to mention I never see her coming to my house or taking my schedule into account, it's always her way at her time. So we started fighting and she brings up how I sat most of one day last week because I had a headache. The woman has been "suffering" with sciatica for the last 6 weeks. Who the Hell does she think has been doing the dancing during all that time?! And she has the nerve to bring up a headache?!?! I'm 5 months pregnant for Christ sake.
Then she brings up how DH and I went away for a week and she taught all of the classes. Um, she went to Vegas with my dad in February and I did the same for her. So I don't understand what the heck she's talking about. Then she brings up how she told me to leabe early when I was sick. So I was like, "how kind of you considering that I had the flu, was running and fever and was going back and forth to the bathroom to throw up."

The woman is an absolute lunatic and has the nerve to call me a spoiled bi@tch!!! I can't wait for the recital to be over. She's retiring and will only come back in the fall to help me through the very end of my pregnancy and a very short maternity leave.
WHEW, I feel beteer now.

Posted 5/29/06 9:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: my mom is driving me NUTS!!!- sorry it's long

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Posted 5/29/06 9:35 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: my mom is driving me NUTS!!!- sorry it's long

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Posted 5/29/06 10:39 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: my mom is driving me NUTS!!!- sorry it's long

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Posted 5/29/06 10:53 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: my mom is driving me NUTS!!!- sorry it's long

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Posted 5/30/06 8:32 AM

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