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My princess!

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Name: mommy freaking about everything!

I am freaking out!

Megan didnt poop at all yesterday. She ate pretty well (for her that is) and has been pooping fine every day but yesterday nothing. I know newborns are supposed to poop all the time basically. We are going to the doctor in a little while just for him to check her out (not because of this situation) but I am so scared of what he will tell me. Anyone have any input??

Posted 8/29/06 9:52 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: mommy freaking about everything!

Some babies don't poo everydayChat Icon

I go by as long as she doesn't look uncomfy, or crying she is okay.

My DD sometimes goes 4 days without pooping, then oh boy look out!

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You might just wanna run it by the ped just to hear his advice tooChat Icon

My ped recommended if she doesn't go more than a week or seems uncomfy to give her 1 ounce of pear or prune juice, and if she still doesn't go, to call him.

You just might want to get the dr's plan on it, believe me it will make you feel better

Congrats on the baby new mommyChat Icon

Posted 8/29/06 9:57 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: mommy freaking about everything!

My DD, born 8/18, didn't poop for over 3 days. The ped said that it's fine, some babies poop all the time, some babies don't. Unless she seems uncomfortable, I wouldn't worry too much. You can always take her temp with a rectal therm. That some times helps to stimulate things.

I wouldn't worry too much.

Posted 8/29/06 9:58 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

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Re: mommy freaking about everything!

Aw, Noreen! I know it's so scary the first time you bring a baby home, but I am sure Megan is FINE.

Are you breastfeeding or formula feeding? BF babies poop alot more often than formula babies, so that could account for the frequency of bowel movements.

It is actually OKAY if she didn't poop yesterday. They don't HAVE to poop every single day - especially if she has been pooping alot the last several days. It's important that the meconium is expelled from her bowel, but once that is gone, she may not poop as much.

I remember when Paul was very newborn, he went a full day without pooping and our pediatrician said it was fine, as long as he pooped the following day.

Make sure you right down her feedings and her BM's and wet diapers, so that you can share that info w/the ped....he will be able to tell you if she is eating enough/pooping and wetting enough. Hang in there - it gets easier!Chat Icon

Message edited 8/29/2006 10:01:20 AM.

Posted 8/29/06 10:00 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05

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Re: mommy freaking about everything!

jenna doesn't poop everyday and doc says its ok. she tends to go 2 - 3 days w.o and then on day 3, she goes a few times. poor thing seems to have a lot of gas in between Chat Icon

Posted 8/29/06 10:01 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: mommy freaking about everything!

This is ok do not worry. The babies bodies are adjusting to so much right now.

Posted 8/29/06 10:03 AM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: mommy freaking about everything!

Don't worry my DD would only poop every other day in the beginning. Only recently did she start pooping every day....some kids just don't go every day

Posted 8/29/06 10:10 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: mommy freaking about everything!

it's totally normal! She could go a few days without going poop! As long as it doesn't happen all the time and she is not suffering (bloated, gassy, etc) due to the constipation

and if you're BF, it could be what you ate!

Posted 8/29/06 10:14 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: mommy freaking about everything!

After a few months, they don't poop everyday anymore. I went through the same thing with DD. She goes through phases when she poops every day, and when she doesn't. The doctor said she can go up to 6 days without pooping adn it can be OK. Don't worry.

Posted 8/29/06 10:37 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: mommy freaking about everything!

It happen with Ali in the first couple of weeks. I freaked out! I asked the girls on here and they told me it was normal. She pooped the next day and it was a NOT A FUN ONE!!!!!

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Posted 8/29/06 10:42 AM

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