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Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

I just had an all day interview to be a manager at a dept store. Has anyone done this? it seems like a good job, but I'd appreciate any insight. Plus, does it pay well?


Posted 3/16/06 11:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

I worked in retail stores for many prepared for long hours, no weekends off (maybe occasionally), no holidays off....

It's a tough job...people get burned out quickly. But, you can make good $$$.

Posted 3/16/06 12:02 PM

I am what I am

Member since 12/05

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Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

If your used to working weekends, then it isnt so bad. Depending if your salary or not, you might end up working a lot of overtime and covering shifts for employees that dont come in. You dont get holidays off either, but that comes with any retail job. The pay is pretty decent, though.

Posted 3/16/06 12:05 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

Thanks so much. They warned us about the long hours and the holiday and weekends. Coming from my extremely full school schedule, I don't think it'll be that bad.
They told me I'd get off 2 of every 6 weekend and I'd have to work 2 of the 6 "work holidays"... They also said I wouldn't have to cover for call-ins. It doesn't sound so bad.
I'm glad to hear the money is decent, I was afraid it wouldn't be. Well, I'll hear back in 2 weeks. I think it went really well. Thanks so much.

What was the best/worst thing?

Message edited 3/16/2006 12:35:35 PM.

Posted 3/16/06 12:33 PM


Member since 6/05

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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

I have mixed emotions when I think about my time in retail. I honestly LOVED it. I loved being on my feet all day, working with customers, merchandising, creating contest for the staff, but in the end it just burnt me out. Where I worked (upstate) the pay was not that great...especially for the hours I put in. As a mgr. you're not entitled to OT and it really killed when you were working 6-7 day work weeks around the holidays..12-14 hr shifts. The only time off was Thanksgiving & Christmas those weeks. It could be different now and it all depends upon what company you're working for.
I will say there are times I sit at my desk job and I think about how much I miss it.

Posted 3/16/06 12:42 PM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

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Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

Posted by marymoon

They also said I wouldn't have to cover for call-ins. It doesn't sound so bad.

What was the best/worst thing?

I'm not sure how they can say you won't be responsible for call-ins...if someone doesn't come in to can't leave the store or department empty with no employees. As a manager, you get stuck unless you can convince someone else to do OT. There were many times I had to work open to close (we called it a stretch) from 8AM to 10PM with no lunch break or anything because I was the only manager and you were not supposed to leave the floor if there was not another manager on duty. So...I would send someone out to get me lunch...and crouch down behind the register and stuff my face for 5 minutes while there was a lull in customers. I don't miss those days!

The best part was the discount...and getting to see all the new merchandise before it got put onto the floor...I always had a chance to get my sizes before they sold out.

Posted 3/16/06 12:50 PM

I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

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Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

Posted by luvsun27

I'm not sure how they can say you won't be responsible for call-ins...if someone doesn't come in to can't leave the store or department empty with no employees. As a manager, you get stuck unless you can convince someone else to do OT. There were many times I had to work open to close (we called it a stretch) from 8AM to 10PM with no lunch break or anything because I was the only manager and you were not supposed to leave the floor if there was not another manager on duty. So...I would send someone out to get me lunch...and crouch down behind the register and stuff my face for 5 minutes while there was a lull in customers. I don't miss those days!

We called them irons. I certainly don't miss those days - I pulled a lot of those shifts in college.

Posted 3/16/06 12:53 PM


Member since 5/05

4230 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

I worked for a department store for 14 years. For about 8 years I was a department manager and also a store manager on some nights and weekends.

I liked it because there is always something to do.

The down sides for me were training new people, the turn over was very high. And also the rude customers. It is amazing how you can forget the nice ones but the nasty ones names or faces!

Posted 3/16/06 12:56 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

Posted by luvsun27

I worked in retail stores for many prepared for long hours, no weekends off (maybe occasionally), no holidays off....

It's a tough job...people get burned out quickly. But, you can make good $$$.

Agreed. I was a Retail Manager for 8 years, 1/2 in hard goods- a party store and the other 1/2 in soft goods- a clothing store Eddie Bauer, well to say the least that was it! I changed careers.

Yes you will make great money but there is a trade off, no life! Long days, long hours, training, recruiting, payroll, displays, deadlines, sales goals, the employees- getting good responsible kids, no holiday dinners for me- except for easter sunday and thanksgiving day. we were open for the others. especially if you are in a mall.

Weekends off- no way unless you have it oked months before with your district manager and vacations too have to be planned at least 6 months in advance and if something goes wrong its all on your head, not your assistant- you. and your plans can get altered if the store needs you or your time off falls on one of the big sales events.

Like I said its great pay and I did it in my 20's but I got burnt and became miserable and went back to school at 28 and changed careers. Good luck !!! Def try it, whats the worst thing that can happen you hate it so just leave. I def preferred hard goods over soft goods anyday! folding clothes is a PIA!

Posted 3/16/06 1:33 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

Thanks for the advice. I haven;t gotten an answer yet, but I definitely want to consider it in case I need to give them an answer right away. I have another interview on Tuesday for an admin job at a test prep company. That might be more up my alley, but the pay is probably less.

The dept store management sounds like a lot of fun, but I also don't want to burn out.

Posted 3/17/06 11:08 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

DH is a manager of a video game store....I can ask whatever questions you want

Posted 3/17/06 5:36 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: Has anyone ever worked as a dept store manager?

Well since it's a dept. store, it probably won't be nearly as bad as working in a regular store. You can always pull someone from another dept. to cover for people who don't show. Most dept. stores have floaters who can help out wherever.

Posted 3/17/06 6:09 PM
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