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Tummy Time

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Stop kissing me!

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Tummy Time

Carlir and I went to the pediatrician today nd she suggested we start 20 minutes/day of tumy time. She is 19 days old. When did anyone else start tummy time? Did your child like it?

Posted 1/17/06 7:11 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Tummy Time

We are soooo behind on this because of Miranda's reflux and the fact that she HATES being on her tummy. NO WAY would she go for 20 minutes. We still try a few minutes here and there now.

Posted 1/17/06 7:13 PM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: Tummy Time

I started around 4 or 5 weeks with just a minute or two at a time, a couple of times a day. He hated it. I don't think he started to really like it until about 4 months old.

Message edited 1/17/2006 7:23:17 PM.

Posted 1/17/06 7:23 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Tummy Time

Jake is 6 months old and there's no way he'll do 20 minutes of tummy time still. We didn't want to force him because he would get so mad and frustrated - he absolutely hated it -but now that he knows how to roll off his belly, it's almost useless to even try for tummy time!

So my advice is get her on her tummy for as long as you can now - everyday - to get her used to it. The sooner you start, the better!

Posted 1/17/06 7:24 PM

My love.

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Re: Tummy Time

20 minutes seems like a long time to me. I would start with 1-2 and add on every day. Some babies hate it. Talia HATES it even now so I don't force it on her - when she is ready she'll let me know.

Posted 1/17/06 7:26 PM

My girls

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Re: Tummy Time

Tummy Time doesn't have to be on the floor -- it counts if she is on your chest at a recline or leaning on a boppy -- anything that lets her practice lifting her head, pushing up, and gets them off their backs. My DD hated being flat on the floor until she was four months old.

Posted 1/17/06 7:44 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Tummy Time

My daughter HATED tummy time until she was about 3 months old and even then wasn't thrilled. I can't see a 19 month hold doing that for 20 minutes. Do as long as your baby is comfortable. I hope that your baby likes it more than my daughter did in the beginning.

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Posted 1/17/06 8:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Tummy Time

Hayley doesn't like being on her belly that long (she is 4 months) but she does like being held so she is looking over my shoulder.

Posted 1/17/06 8:29 PM

Making big changes

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16541 total posts


Re: Tummy Time

Christopher loved being on his belly. That was the only way he'd sleep and he would stay on his tummy for a while during tummy time I know from reading on here that many babies don't like it, so like other posters said, try to get her used to it now, but don't start at 20 minutes. Start at a couple of minutes at a time and gradually increase it. Perhaps your doctor meant 20 minutes total throughout the day? That would probably be a bit easier.

Posted 1/17/06 8:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Tummy Time

I'm one of the few moms out there that let their infant sleep on their stomach. Jack was sleeiping on his tummy from the day he came home from the hospital. He sat up early, crawled early and walked at 9 months. So we had a lot of tummy time in the early days.

Posted 1/17/06 10:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Tummy Time

Sidney HATED tummy time until we bought the Tummy Play Boppy. Its a mini boppy. The 1st time she used it she actually smiled. I would start as early as possible and just go for a few minute clips through out the day.

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Posted 1/17/06 10:48 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: Tummy Time

Nick hated tummy time while he was awake - he would cry. But I did let him sleep on his tummy really early on - he loved that! And he did hold his head up, walk, etc. very early, not sure that has anything to do with it though.

Posted 1/18/06 7:43 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05

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Re: Tummy Time

My boys hated their tummy time so our doctor suggested 3 mins 3 times a day. He wanted about 10mins and said it didnt have to be consecutive. Good luck!

Posted 1/18/06 10:18 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Tummy Time

20 minutes is a long time to do it all at once I would break it up.

I did 3 or 4 minutes here and 5 minutes there my DD didn't like it at first but after awhile got used to it

Posted 1/18/06 3:59 PM

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