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Getting Really Nervous, Please Tell Me I Am Exagerating

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Getting Really Nervous, Please Tell Me I Am Exagerating

So, when we found out that I was pg, I really didn't want to have a shower. My mom told me to register anyway because people would want to get me stuff and because mom wants to throw me a small something. So, I said, fine, if she really wants to do it as long as it's small, I'm OK with it.

Well, now I am 30 weeks and still, nothing has moved on my registry. The only purchased items are my PnP, which my sister bought for my birthday and the Bumboo seat, which was bought about a week after that.

I am nervous that we really only have 7 to 10 weeks left and I have nothing but a PnP, a stroller and some onsies that I bought along the way. Oh, and summer clothes for next year cause they were on sale. Chat Icon

The thing that worries me is that I saw the invites sitting on my sister's table the other day and thought to myself, if they didn't even send them out yet, when the heck will I have something? I mean...I don't mind if I don't have anything but my mom keeps saying not to buy anything. Time's running out. I am a planner, if it were up to me I would have everything ready.

Edited to say:

Oh, and I have the bedding that DH and I bought once we found out we were having Chat Icon

Message edited 8/29/2006 4:20:41 PM.

Posted 8/29/06 4:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/06

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Re: Getting Really Nervous, Please Tell Me I Am Exagerating

Try not to stress out over it!! I threw my sister a last minute baby sprinkle...
Originally her friend wanted to do it for her so I didn't think anything of it then when I realized the friend wasn't doing it I ran out and did it myself.

It was only 3 weeks until her due date and the invitations went out right away but people only had 2 weeks notice.
The shower was the week before she was due and even though I was freaking out that she would go into labor or everyone would RSVP no it really worked out. We had 20 adults and a bunch of children and my sister got every single thing on her registry!
Chat Icon

BTW 1/2 the gifts were purchased right away after the invitations were recieved and the other 1/2 were purchased the two days before the shower! People really wait until the last minute to buy!

Posted 8/29/06 4:29 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Getting Really Nervous, Please Tell Me I Am Exagerating

I had my shower about 6 weeks before my due date and a little less than a month before I delivered. Don't worry, I'm sure in will be within the next 4 weeks. Stop checking your registry - silly goose.

Posted 8/30/06 10:00 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Getting Really Nervous, Please Tell Me I Am Exagerating

Not to stress. My son was born 2 weeks before his shower. The only thign you REALLY need is a car seat, some clothes & a place for him to sleep. His changing table (we were waiting for his furniture to come in) was a storage bin with a towel on it.

It all works out....Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/06 10:06 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Getting Really Nervous, Please Tell Me I Am Exagerating

Chat Icon i am in the same spot as you, minus a place to live right now.Chat Icon i keep telling myself that babies need minimal things...and many things not right away.

it will all work outChat Icon

Posted 8/30/06 10:30 PM


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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: Getting Really Nervous, Please Tell Me I Am Exagerating

My MIL was very sick when I was pregnant with my first child, so my mom wasn't sure if having a shower was the right thing to do. My MIL said to definitely HAVE one because she wanted to celebrate the new life coming into the family. Well, PS...they finally threw the shower together 10 days before I gave birth! Talk about stress! Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/06 9:15 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Getting Really Nervous, Please Tell Me I Am Exagerating

Thanks for making me feel better ladies! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm still nervous, but hey, I could always use an empty drawer if worse came to worse Chat Icon

In all seriousness...IF anything did happen early and I didn't have everything I needed, I would just have to send DH to the store while I was in the hospital. I guess it wouldn't be so bad. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/06 10:04 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Getting Really Nervous, Please Tell Me I Am Exagerating

Posted by nrthshgrl

Not to stress. My son was born 2 weeks before his shower. The only thign you REALLY need is a car seat, some clothes & a place for him to sleep. His changing table (we were waiting for his furniture to come in) was a storage bin with a towel on it.

It all works out....Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon I would have freaked. I just keep telling myself 'he won't remember anyway' Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/06 10:05 AM

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