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Do you need to "detox" your body.....

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5 years!!!!

Member since 6/05

1932 total posts


Do you need to "detox" your body.....

if all you eat is fish especially sushi and tuna (canned and fresh fish).....I am vegetarian and all I really eat is veggies and tons of fish. we are not ttc soon but do I need to "detox" my body by not eating fish as much, caffeine ect....for a few months before we think about ttc??????????

Posted 1/3/06 9:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Do you need to "detox" your body.....

That's actually the best diet to be on when ttc. Your cm will be alkalized and sperm friendly :)

The mercury in fish come into play when you are actually pregnant. You don't want the embryo to be exposed to mercury. However, it is the large fish that carry amounts of mercury to be worried about. Fish like swordfish, shark, tuna etc. Shellfish and small scaled fish are great ! Veggies and fruits are as well :)

It's always good to cut back on caffeine if you can.

Posted 1/3/06 10:09 PM

5 years!!!!

Member since 6/05

1932 total posts


Re: Do you need to "detox" your body.....

I was told that if you eat a large amount of fish high in mercury it stores in your body and can be threatening to the fetus-------I know autistic children have high levels of mercury in their blood system, that is what is making me concerned !!!!! That is why I thought I might need to "detox" my body.
Do you have any thoughts on this theory or have you read anything about this?????

Posted 1/3/06 10:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Do you need to "detox" your body.....

wp - this is SO strange, I just posted a thread on this yesterday on the parenting board. I am including the link to the post but, I've never done this before so if it does not work - look for the post on the parenting board (probably lon the 2nd or 3rd page).

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Posted 1/4/06 12:51 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Do you need to "detox" your body.....

I replied to the other post but I'll post again on this topic Chat Icon I'm a vegetarian also, who eats fish. Fish is pretty much the staple of my diet. I was concerned and talked to my ob/gyn about it and he told me it was fine, as long as I start avoiding the fishies high in mercury. And, in fact, eating fish puts your little fetus at an advantage because of the tri-omega fatty acids (great for brain development). I eat a lot of tilapia and salmon and I conceived no problem, and delivered a healthy, albeit chunky Chat Icon, little girl

Posted 1/4/06 3:37 PM

5 years!!!!

Member since 6/05

1932 total posts


Re: Do you need to "detox" your body.....

Its baby time----that is so funny that we posted extremely similar topics.

We are not trying to concieve yet but I am an occupational therapist and work with many different types of disabled children and a hot topic with regards to autism is mercury levels.

I too was wondering if I needed to start cutting down (I like to plan ahead). I think when the time comes I will get a blood work to test my mercury levels and go from there.

Thank you all for the information
And good luck !!!!

Message edited 1/4/2006 6:29:26 PM.

Posted 1/4/06 6:28 PM

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