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FT working moms- you amaze me

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Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

FT working moms- you amaze me

What a day I had today!

First off- the next few weeks (this past week included) is just crazy for me @ work.....

I had a bad night with Ryan- woke up late-(after sleeping on the couch with my prince) barely made it out the door-

and then was so swarmed at work I didnt leave til 4:30...

I didnt see my baby all day- and was so stressed out about all the things that still needed to be done both at home and at work....

(I just wanna add that- on Fridays I usually take DS to see my FIL, but after working 7-4:30 and not seeing my son all day- I just wanted to go home and relax and "skip" this week- and well my MIL was not having any of that Chat Icon )

I literally called my mom from work- and started crying because I was so overwhelmed (AF will be here on SUnday- so that didnt help my emotions one bit)

I dont think I finally got myself "together" until 10pm... and there is still so much that needs to be done (@ work, and with errands...)

I know I might need to pick up 2 long days at work- so Im trying my hardest to get everything done in the few hours I am there....

Anyways- I just wanna say you amaze me.... Today was so hard and stressful for me...and I have a whole new respect for you!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 11:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

I'm not a mom yet but here are some hugs for you!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: I can only imagine how tired you must be, I hope you have a great weekend, you deserve it, all you moms do!!

Message edited 6/24/2006 12:01:20 AM.

Posted 6/23/06 11:59 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

I've done the working thing with a baby and the sah thing and gotta tell you, i actually thinks it's worse when it's just the baby ft. never a break....i wish i could go back to work.... A LOT OF DAYS

Posted 6/24/06 12:53 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

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Posted 6/24/06 5:25 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon ain't easy raising a baby, running a house AND running a store.....

I HATE being an adult...too much responsibility!

Posted 6/24/06 8:04 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

Thanks! It's not always like that though. I think we all get into a groove & need to schedule things more.

I still think working F/T is much easier than being home all day with an infant. I still remember the days where folding laundry was my accomplishment. I think a lot of it stems from 10mos of lack of sleep, hormones & the toll birth takes on you physically. My friend who adopted a baby would Chat Icon at other friends who talked about how hard it was in the beginning. I thought people were just overreacting until I did it.

Posted 6/24/06 9:20 AM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

Posted by nrthshgrl

Thanks! It's not always like that though. I think we all get into a groove & need to schedule things more.

I still think working F/T is much easier than being home all day with an infant. I still remember the days where folding laundry was my accomplishment. I think a lot of it stems from 10mos of lack of sleep, hormones & the toll birth takes on you physically. My friend who adopted a baby would Chat Icon at other friends who talked about how hard it was in the beginning. I thought people were just overreacting until I did it.

I agree- I think schedule is key..... and yesterday we had NO schedule...

Posted 6/24/06 9:21 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

Posted by nrthshgrl

Thanks! It's not always like that though. I think we all get into a groove & need to schedule things more.

I still think working F/T is much easier than being home all day with an infant. I still remember the days where folding laundry was my accomplishment. I think a lot of it stems from 10mos of lack of sleep, hormones & the toll birth takes on you physically. My friend who adopted a baby would Chat Icon at other friends who talked about how hard it was in the beginning. I thought people were just overreacting until I did it.

I have to agree I think staying home ft can be physicaly exhausting...I get a break at work for lunch and prep. At home there is no break.

Posted 6/24/06 9:22 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

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During the week I feel like a zombie. I get up everyday at 5:30, leave at 6:30, drop off Ryan to my moms at 6:45, get to work at 7:15 and work straight thru until 5:00 (no lunch). By the time I get Ryan and get home its about 6:00 and I am exhausted. There is no time for ANY housework. I barely have enough energy to make bottles! Dh is not home at night 2 nights during the week as he works and its really tough. My job, as some of you know, is VERY stressful and coming home exhasuted and having to take care of a 5 month old just adds to my stress. There are days that I cry leaving work because I had such a bad day and I miss my family so much. I guess you just take one day at a time. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/06 9:34 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

Like Barbara said, most days, it's not that bad as long as you stick to your schedule. This month has been excruciating for us though because I wake up at 6am, feed Alex, dress her, shower, dress myself and get to work by 7:30am. Come home at 5:30pm, play with Alex until 7pm, put her to bed and then work on the house renovations until midnight. It's exhausting and I don't know how I'm doing it...

Posted 6/24/06 9:53 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

I went back to work 2 months ago and I appreciate the 11 months I was home with Nate so much more now. I am amazed at how much I can do by 9pm. It's though and some days are better than others, but a schedule helps alot.

This is my day:
5:00 am wake up, shower, get dressed
6:00 am feed Nate, dress him
6:30 am drop Nate off at day care
6:45 am park the car to catch the bus downtown (Sometimes DH and I will drive just so we can have some extra time together. The $13 we pay for parking is so worth it every once and a while)
7:30 am get to work
4:30 pm leave work
5:30 pm get to the car and go pick up Nate
5:45 pm take the dog out
6:00 pm Feed Nate dinner, give him a bath, give him last bottle
7:30 pm Nate goes to sleep, then I make dinner, eat and then clean up/wash bottles. In between, I'll try to squeeze in a load of laundry
9:00 pm Get online, do some work
10:00 pm Talk to DH when he gets home
11:00 pm Iron clothes for work and then go to sleep

Posted 6/24/06 11:51 AM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

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Posted 6/24/06 11:52 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

I also work fulltime 9-5 with 2 kids. When I am off, I never get dressed until almost lunchtime because I always find something to do. When you need to get 2 kids and yourself out the door, you get into a routine and it is no big deal.
This is my day:
5-5:30am-ds wakes us up, dd does not sleep much later than that when she hears her brother!
6am-dh leaves, I get out of bed
7:30-get dd to bus
8:20-bring ds to daycare
"ME" time-Lunch
5pm-dh picks up dd, I pick up ds
5:30pm-make dinner, read mail, homework
Get kids baths (we take turns), make lunches for tomm., get clothes ready, clean up house
8:30pm-try to have both of them in bed, ds KEEPS getting out of bed this week-Chat Icon
8:30-try and relax, go on computer, etc.
10-11pm-go to bed

Posted 6/24/06 12:37 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

At least someone appreciates itChat Icon I don't think Dh has any clue how hard it is

Posted 6/24/06 9:05 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

Posted by emc

At least someone appreciates itChat Icon I don't think Dh has any clue how hard it is

I don't think my DH has any clue either. He helps out so much so I really can't complain but he doens't know how stress I've been lately!

Posted 6/24/06 9:11 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: FT working moms- you amaze me

all about the schedule. It isn't easy but can be very rewarding.

Posted 6/24/06 9:34 PM

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