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June Mommies - it's almost our time!! Check in!

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June Mommies - it's almost our time!! Check in!

How is everyone doing???!

I had my first internal last Friday, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I mentioned I've been having some cramping and lower back pain and the nurse and doctor told me it was contractions. I told them I've had BH before and it didn't feel like that and they were like "B/c these are REAL contractions!" So she basically put me on bed rest, I'm 36 weeks and she said it's still a little too early. If I'm to feel anything again, I have to go right to the hospital. I, of course, didn't listen about resting and started having the contractions again, but erraticly, so now I am definitely listening! I'm just gonna hang out til Chat Icon get here!

Otherwise I'm feeling good, getting nervous, but excited at the same timeChat Icon Just have to finish packing my bag and Chat Icon 's bag and we're all set!!

How is everyone else?!?! Hope all is well!!!

Posted 5/24/06 11:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: June Mommies - it's almost our time!! Check in!

I have 5 weeks to go (due 6/27). At my last appointment my doctor said that he thinks I'll go late since Sarah would have been late (but I was induced right around her due date b/c of insurance issues), so he said the latest he'll let me go is July 18! Chat Icon I'm hoping it's sooner than that!

Otherwise, I go on June 1 for another checkup. Saturday night I was up all night when the baby was on my sciatic nerve (OUCH!) and then yesterday it seemed like the head was right on my cervix, also painful!, but today it's moved away from everything so I feel like a new person!

If I tell Sarah (she's 15 months) to say hi to the baby she pats my stomach. I know she doesn't really get it, but it's still very cute. I'm a little nervous, I've never been away from her for even one night. I know it's worth it, but I'm still sad.

Have to start packing and get the nursery all ready for the new baby since Sarah moved into her new room finally.

I hope everyone has quick and painless labors! Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/06 11:33 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: June Mommies - it's almost our time!! Check in!

I have four weeks to go from today. I had to make an "emergency" visit to the dr. last night because my groin was hurting so bad I couldn't walk. I had my first internal, and they hooked me up to the fetal monitor. I'm very slightly dilated, but not significantly, and the baby is doing well. She's in position and was turned sideways, leaning on my right hip again, which is where my groin pain was coming from. I'm getting really anxious lately. She told me I should really stop working soon. So I'm out of work the rest of this week, then I'll being tying up some loose ends next week and I'm done. But all in all, I'm doing well. I'm so excited!Chat Icon I'm no longer as scared as I was about labor, so I guess that's good!

Posted 5/24/06 12:05 PM

Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

2412 total posts


Re: June Mommies - it's almost our time!! Check in!

I have 2 weeks left, but the dr says she's pretty sure it'll be next week. I am 1-2 cm dilated and my cervix is thinning. Baby's sitting on my sciatic nerve, so I can't walk too well at well. It *****, because otherwise I feel pretty good. I just hope the next couple of days fly by!

Posted 5/24/06 12:17 PM


Member since 5/05

7557 total posts


Re: June Mommies - it's almost our time!! Check in!

I have about 3.5 weeks to go and I'm feeling good. I had my first internal last Friday and my cervix is still high and closed. I have not been feeling any contractions or cramping. I have a feeling this little guy is quite comfortable and I will be going late. But who knows? Everything could change quickly.

{{{Easy Labor Vibes}}} for all of us!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/06 12:18 PM

I love the summer

Member since 1/06

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Re: June Mommies - it's almost our time!! Check in!

I have less than two weeks now. This pregnancy went sooooo fast, I can't believe it. Last week, I was not dilated, but the baby was in position. I go back for another internal tommorow and I'm hoping for some action.

I'm starting my maternity leave on June 5th and I'm due on the 6th. I hope I make it.

Posted 5/24/06 12:50 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

75 total posts


Re: June Mommies - it's almost our time!! Check in!

I have 2.5 weeks left. Two weeks ago I was .5cm dialated, normal for this time. However, the baby is still so high. I can't wait for him to drop so I can breathe easier! It feels like he's crushing my lungs.

Posted 5/24/06 1:00 PM


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: June Mommies - it's almost our time!! Check in!

I have about 3 weeks to go, but I'm hoping to make that 2 Chat Icon

I have to pack - haven't even started yet. No progress as of last Friday, but baby's head down and in position (has been for months. I never "dropped" since I carried so low the whole time). I'm generally feeling pretty good. Plenty of BHs.

Posted 5/24/06 1:29 PM

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