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Working moms- help me to feel better

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Working moms- help me to feel better

about returning to work full time on monday.


Posted 3/30/06 9:04 AM
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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

I could use some kind words as well! Steven will be 6 months on Sat and I don't know where the time went! Going back to work in April sounded so far away and now it's here!!!!

Posted 3/30/06 9:07 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

Awwwww... you'll be ok! The first day or two isn't all that bad because it's kind of exciting to go back to work and to the world of adults. You'll be so busy you won't have time to think about how much you miss your little baby. The hardest days are towards the end of the week. Try to let your DH do the drop off - it's the hardest. It's sooooo much better to pick them up at the end of the day and you get a big gummy grin.

It will be hard, no doubt, but I always remind myself that this is best for my family and best for me, for my own sanity, and to be the best mother I can be. I need the intellectual stimulation and adult interaction and without it, I'm a stinky, unhappy mommy. Now that I've hit a groove, I'm in a routine, happy and productive, it spills over to my time with my daughter. Give yourself a few weeks to get into a routine, so remember, don't be too hard on yourself and don't expect too much of yourself at first!

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Posted 3/30/06 9:09 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

I agree with everything that Beth said!

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Posted 3/30/06 9:24 AM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

I agree with Beth's advice. You'll adjust and fall into a routine and it will get easier as time goes on.

Good luck and Chat Icon

Posted 3/30/06 9:26 AM

My Everything

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

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Just remember you are working to give you daughter the best possible in life. You are a great mom!

Posted 3/30/06 9:33 AM


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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

For me the first month or 2 were very difficult as I was trying to adjust and I cried all the time. But it does get better, once you get into a routine you learn to use the time you have for real quality time and things fall into place. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/30/06 9:35 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

I agree with beth.

HTe first week for me was hard but the first couple of days I was busy with everyone congratulating me and looking at pictures and talking and getting back into the swing of things I did call a few times to check up on my daughter the end of the week was harder becuz I was starting to get into a routine and things were getting back to normal at work but the best is coming home or picking up my daughter and the big smile I get and now that she is older I love that she comes running to me yelling mommy mommy and I get a big hug

Posted 3/30/06 10:05 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

Even though I only work 2 days a week, it still was so hard to leave him that first day. I cried all the way to work. But once i was there, Beth is right, I actually felt better being around some adult conversation instead of just goo-goo-ing and ga-ga-ing all day! I need the adult interaction too, it makes me a better mommy. Once you get into your routine, you will be fine. The first day will prob be the hardest, but you will get thru it. Hang in there sweetie...Chat IconChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/30/06 12:05 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

One rec'd is to not do a full week of full-time work all at once. Maybe ask if you can leave at 2 or 3 on the first two days. It helps you get into your routine and not feel so overwhelmed IMO.
The first few days are hard IMO. Crying is very normal. You will miss the baby, of course. But you will also be busy with e-mails, getting up to speed, people asking you a TON about the baby. After a bit, you get into a groove and a routine and things don't seem so sad.

Posted 3/30/06 12:38 PM

Where does time go?

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

I definitely agree with Beth.

I went back to work when she was just 9 weeks old and my DH stayed home with was not as hard then for me because he was there...but when he went back to work when she was 4 months old,I went through it all over again, and it was tough.

The best thing for me was finding a place that I was comfortable and happy leaving her...that really helped. I also didn't give myself really high expectations the first two weeks and I did better than I thought. There were some tears, but I left myself barely any time to drop her off so I couldn't linger and feel sorry for myself.

Honestly, it is still really hard to leave her some days, but I know she is good gotta do what you can to give yourselves the life that you want. DH could have stayed home and we could have struggled, but I like being able to take her places and I LIKE working, I went into motherhood knowing that I wanted my career...

I ain't lying that it S U C K S coming home at 7 at night and only get an hour and a half one on one with her...but I try to spend time with her in the will make it work...

I am here if you want to ever vent over FM...Good Luck Monday!!!

Posted 3/30/06 12:58 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

I guess I am ain the minority on this. While I didnt want to go back to work full-time, I did want to go back. My new work schedule is Mon - Thur 8-4. I didnt cry when I went back, I missed the baby but just looked forward to seeing him when I got home. When I get home I make sure to spend every minute with him before bed... around 7:30.

You will get a routine and it wont be so bad. I liked to interact with adults, go to lunch, etc.... so I am happy to be back.

Posted 3/30/06 1:22 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

Posted by lullabella

I guess I am ain the minority on this. While I didnt want to go back to work full-time, I did want to go back.

you aren't in the minority, I really wanted to go back to work. I LOVE my job. It's just hard getting the work/life balance right at first...and sometimes I miss my Bella...

Posted 3/30/06 2:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

Posted by mommy2bellabean

Posted by lullabella

I guess I am ain the minority on this. While I didnt want to go back to work full-time, I did want to go back.

you aren't in the minority, I really wanted to go back to work. I LOVE my job. It's just hard getting the work/life balance right at first...and sometimes I miss my Bella...


Posted 3/30/06 2:41 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by mommy2bellabean

Posted by lullabella

I guess I am ain the minority on this. While I didnt want to go back to work full-time, I did want to go back.

you aren't in the minority, I really wanted to go back to work. I LOVE my job. It's just hard getting the work/life balance right at first...and sometimes I miss my Bella...


girl,we are so on the same page....glad to hear that things are falling into pics of that cutie of yours soon...

Posted 3/30/06 3:48 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

AWWW STef, please dont feel bad and dont be hard on yourself.

Im being honest, but you WILL Like some "me time" and you will look so fwd to getting home that it will make all the kisses even sweeter!!!

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Posted 3/30/06 6:01 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

Here's a secret....sometimes SAHMs have it so tough - the minute their DH walks in the door, they hand him the baby because they've had a particularly hard day.

You will walk in the door, pick up that little peanut of yours, shower her with kisses every day when you come home from work. Coming home will never feel as great as it does when you're coming home to your kids shouting "Mommy!"

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Posted 3/30/06 10:31 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

Thanks girls!

I will be working 8-3. I can't really change my hours for the first week but hopefully I will be there to get her by 3:30.

From what I hear at work I will be very busy when I get back, maybe that will make it easier.

Posted 3/30/06 10:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Working moms- help me to feel better

Sunny- me and you both.

My first day back is on Monday and I get sick thinking about it. Its so sad to leave my son and I get teary just thinking about not being with him all day like I am now. I feel like he will be confused all of sudden that I'm not there.

This really stinks. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/30/06 11:43 PM

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