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Fever of 104.1

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

798 total posts


Fever of 104.1

Hi everyone. I am a big lurker on these boards and occasionally post, but now I need some advice. My 2 year old son has a fever of 104.1. At 7:30 it was 104.3 and then it went down to 103.5. Now it is back up. He was just at the doctors yesterday and everything was fine, he just had a little cold. At what point do you take your child to the hospital for a fever? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Posted 2/25/06 9:25 PM
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Re: Fever of 104.1

Not a mom, but I found this on

When should I call the doctor?
You're the best judge of whether your baby is really ill, so call if you're worried, no matter what his temperature is. Besides, a temperature reading isn't the only indication of whether a fever is serious. Your baby's age is a factor (fever is more serious in babies under 3 months), and so is his behavior (a high fever that doesn't stop him from playing and feeding normally may not be cause for alarm). Keep in mind that everyone's temperature rises in the late afternoon and early evening and falls between midnight and early morning. The natural cycle of our internal thermostat explains why doctors get most of their phone calls about fever in the late afternoon and early evening.

Here are some general guidelines about when to call:

If your baby is less than 3 months old and has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher, call the doctor immediately. A baby this young needs to be checked for serious infection or disease. For a baby at least 3 months old, ask your doctor what her guidelines are for phoning. She may suggest you call if your baby is between 3 and 6 months old and his temperature reaches 101 degrees F (38.3 degrees C) or higher, or if your baby is older than 6 months and his fever reaches 103 degrees F (39.4 degrees C) or higher.

When you do call, the doctor will probably ask you about other symptoms. The most important thing is how your baby looks and acts — if he's lost his appetite, has little energy, is noticeably pale or flushed, if he's extremely irritable and cannot be consoled, or you notice other changes in his behavior and appearance, for example. Be sure to mention symptoms such as a cough and ear pain (if you suspect it) or vomiting and diarrhea — these can help the doctor make a diagnosis. She will then give you instructions on how to care for your baby and whether you need to come into the office.

You should also be on the lookout for any of the following symptoms, which could indicate a more serious problem when coupled with a fever:

• Your baby has small, purple-red spots on his skin that don't turn white or paler when you press on them, or he has large purple blotches. Both of these can signal a very serious bacterial infection.

• Your baby has difficulty breathing (he's working harder to breathe or breathing faster than usual) even after you clear his nose with a bulb syringe. This could mean pneumonia or asthma.

Posted 2/25/06 9:38 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Have you given him any motrin yet? You can also give him a lukewarm bath and try to bring the fever down. If your doctors office is open tomorrow I would bring him in again to make sure that he doesn't have an infection. Is his nose running? Remember fever run higher at night.

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Posted 2/25/06 9:40 PM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

1663 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Gianna had 105.4 Monday night I gave her a lukewarm bath and Motrin and I went down to 102.5 I hope your little one is feeling better soonChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/06 9:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

798 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

I gave him childrens tylenol a couple of hours ago. I put a call in to my doctor so I will see what he says. I am just getting over being sick, with a cold/virus also, but my fever was not as high. My son is also developing little rash bumps all over which has me worried. I will see what the doctor says. Thanks for all your advise.

Posted 2/25/06 9:54 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Where are the rash bumps?

Has anyone around him had Fifths disease lately?

Posted 2/25/06 10:13 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

798 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

The rash is all over his body. The doctor called me back and said it sounds like a virus. I don't think anyone has had fifth disease around me, but I can't be certain. It all started last weekend when I babysat my niece who seemed to have a "cold" according to my sil. I watched her for two nights, and then I came down with flu like symptons. Although I still have a sore throat I am feeling much better today, which was good because then my son got sick. The doctor said to give my son motrin instead of the tylenol which works better and he said the rash is most likely from the fever and virus. He said there is no reason to take him to the hospital, but if he is not better by morning to give him a call back. I have not tried the bath yet because he is trying so hard to sleep in between me checking his fever. I did put lighter clothes on him and I took away his favorite :( heavy blanket and gave him a lighter one. He seems to be cooling down a tiny bit, but I will check again when it is time to give him the mortin.

Posted 2/25/06 10:35 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Motrin is always better than Tylenol on high fevers. I would say general rule of thumb 103 and above definitely switch to Motrin.

Fifth's disease would have started on the face first not the body. It would look like someone slapped him in the face. I only asked because high fevers can be associated with it and a rash. It doesn't usually spread to the body until a couple of days after it appeared on the face.

Keep an eye on your little guy and I hope that he feels better soon Chat Icon

Posted 2/25/06 10:38 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

798 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Thank you all so much. I will have to post an update in the morning.

Posted 2/25/06 10:45 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Hope he feels better soon...

Posted 2/25/06 11:42 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Just checking how he and you are doing this morning Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/06 8:15 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Sounds like your son has what my daughter has... her fever was at 104.8 the other night. That was definitely high enough to have me go to the pediatrician to make sure it wasnt the flu where she needed antibiotics. She's 19 months. Ive been doing the Tylenol/Motrin thing. Giving her both - Tylenol at 8am, Motrin at 11am, Tylenol at 2pm, etc. Once she has no medicine in her system her fever goes back up. Lighter clothes and warm baths too. I was told this is a virus and they've been seeing some kids have the fever for 5-10 days. (I hope not in our case!!) We are on day 4. If he is responding to the medication, IMO I wouldnt take him to the emergency room or back to the ped. If he is developing other symptoms esp. green nasal discharge or signs of breathing problems or ear infection, definitely go back for antibiotics. And don't forget he's contagious so keep washing your hands and make sure he's drinking enough liquids.

Hope he feels better soon.

Posted 2/26/06 9:16 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Sorry! We just went through this last week in my house. The fever finally broke after day 4-5.

I never took her to the Dr because she was pretty much fine, otherwise. We just did a lot of cool baths here.

Posted 2/26/06 9:18 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

798 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Hi all. Thank you so much for all your advice! I gave my son motrin about midnight last night and a couple of hours later it finally broke and we were able to get some sleep. This morning it is 101.4 but he is playing with his toys and all like nothing is wrong. I guess it is a virus afterall. And it is making more sense now. My niece was sick last weekend with what seemed like a cold, then I thought I was coming down with the flu, but I guess it was this virus the whole time. And now it is my son's turn. But he is a typical toddler, won't let anything stand in the way of playing! Hopefully he will be completely better in a couple of days and this household can be clear of all viruses!!!

Posted 2/26/06 10:17 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I'm glad he feels better today. Hope it continues into nighttime!

Posted 2/26/06 10:49 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

24065 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

If a rash is coming out it is actually a sign that the virus is ending. Rashes usually come out when a fever breaks. Hopefully he will be on the mendChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/06 11:43 AM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

Glad he's feeling better.Chat Icon

Posted 2/26/06 11:56 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

798 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

It could be a long night. All day my son's fever was up and down. It reached an all time high at 6:30pm of 105Chat Icon I had last given him motrin at 3pm so I have to wait another 3 hours to give him more. I applied wet rags since he is against a bath at this time... which means he is really really sick because he usually loves bath time. Now it is down to 104.4... hopefully it keeps going down!

Message edited 2/26/2006 6:59:13 PM.

Posted 2/26/06 6:58 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Fever of 104.1

When Ryan is sick like that I alternate. Tylenol every 4 hours and Motrin every 6. This way he has a steady dose. Also if he wont take a bath make you can get in a lukewarm bath with him. Good luck and I hope he feels better soon. High temps are scary.

Posted 2/26/06 8:33 PM

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