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If you had cancer would you

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Spinoff to Gotti has cancer

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Spinoff to Gotti has cancer

If you had cancer would you tell your family or would you hide it from them?

Posted 8/22/05 3:09 PM


Member since 5/05

4002 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Gotti has cancer

I would definitely tell them. I would need their love and support to get through such a hard time.

Posted 8/22/05 3:12 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Gotti has cancer

Posted by DonnaJoe708

I would definitely tell them. I would need their love and support to get through such a hard time.

same here

Though there would be a part of me that would NOT want to tell my parents... only because I would hate to see them worry about me soo much Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/05 3:14 PM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Gotti has cancer

I don't know if I would tell everyone right away. I don't know if I would tell my little girl.

I know of a lady who was diagnosed with brain cancer and was given 6 months to live. She never told her kids and lived the last few months of her life to the fullest. Her kids had no idea how ill she was. She was able to die at home surrounded by her kids & people she loved.

Posted 8/22/05 3:19 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Gotti has cancer

I lost both of my parents to cancer when they were in their 50s. I truly believe that we got through it as a family because they told people and were willing and able to accept help from family, but even more from friends. I know people can be private about it, but for us, it was helpful that people knew.

I also had the opportunity to have great conversations and proper goodbyes with them - something I wouldn't have been able to do if they hadn't told us.

Message edited 8/22/2005 3:20:05 PM.

Posted 8/22/05 3:19 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

15857 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Gotti has cancer

Posted by DonnaJoe708

I would definitely tell them. I would need their love and support to get through such a hard time.

Same here.

Posted 8/22/05 3:24 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Gotti has cancer

I would tell them. I would need their support and I would want my time to say goodbye. I can't imagine not telling them and just dying...

Posted 8/22/05 3:26 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Spinoff to Gotti has cancer

I would have to tell my family and closest friends... but I can understand why people don't always do so. When my mother had breast cancer she didn't tell her parents until after the surgery and everything came back ok. They were much, much older, and she didn't have such a good relationship with them to begin with.

Posted 8/22/05 3:36 PM

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