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Anyone's children have tubes in their ears?

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1636 total posts


Anyone's children have tubes in their ears?

My daughter is scheduled to get them tomorrow. We went to the ENT on Saturday and weren't expecting him to say that he wanted to do it so soon. I know its a simple procedure but I am beside myself with worry. The thought of my 9.5 month old being put under for even 30 minutes scares me to death. Anyone have any experience with this? TIA.

Posted 1/23/06 8:25 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone's children have tubes in their ears?

When I was little I had it done twice and I was fine. It's understandable to be worried but now she won't have such horrible ear aches. Good luck to her and you!!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/06 9:17 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Anyone's children have tubes in their ears?

My son had them put in last May. He's 2 now so at the time he was 16 months. I was really scared, but it was the best thing we could of done. He was getting an ear infection every month for 7 months in a row. The procedure only takes 15 minutes. They said that he would sleep the rest of the day, yeah right. He was up and running around after a couple of hours. It's good to get them done so they have less of a chance of getting an ear infection, but also I noticed it big time with my son, that his speech was greatly improved. He talked sooo much better. I know your child isn't really talking much, but it will help them with learning. Up until a couple of weeks ago I was putting in ear plugs everytime he would have to take a bath or go near water. He never gave me a hard time about it. We just found out at his 2 yr old appt. that they had fallen out already and we don't need to use the plugs anymore.

Anyway, it is very nerve wracking, but soooo worth it. Your baby will feel so much better. It'll be over before you know it. Good luck!

Posted 1/23/06 9:26 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1636 total posts


Re: Anyone's children have tubes in their ears?

Thank you for your replies. Grace has had ear indections on and off since the beginning of November due to the fluid in her ears not draining. I am worried that she will give me a hard time with the plugs. I'm glad to hear that Caiden didn't give you a hard time. Thats great that the tubes fell out after 6 months. I just worry that we are rushing into this, but both my pediatrician and the ENT think its the way to go. Thanks again.

Posted 1/23/06 9:42 AM

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