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Bar Mitzvah

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Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Bar Mitzvah

My cousin Adam is making his Bar Mitzvah in April. We received the invitation yesterday and it indicates that Men will have to wear a Yamicha...sorry about spelling, and Married women will have to wear a head covering while in the temple.

I'm not Jewish I'm not really sure what they mean by head covering. Can someone please tell me can this be a hat of scarf of my own choosing?


Posted 3/3/06 1:41 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Bar Mitzvah

A head covering for a married woman can be a hat (that's what I wear). Some women also wear scarves on their heads. It of course can be of your own choosing.

Also, many temples provide doily type things and bobby pins and that constitutes a head covering. So if you don't have anything, you probably won't need to worry. They will definitely supply Yamulka's for the men.

Message edited 3/3/2006 1:44:42 PM.

Posted 3/3/06 1:44 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Bar Mitzvah

Thank you...I think that I would rather have something of my own...I'm really paranoid about outting anything on my head or in my hair that isn't my own.

Posted 3/3/06 1:48 PM

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Re: Bar Mitzvah

You can take a piece of white or cream lace and attach it to a bobby pin and that constitutes a head covering. FYI: They may request that for the ceremony you sit with the women and your DH sit with the men. Do you know if they will have mixed dancing? That is prob. your biggest clue.

Posted 3/3/06 2:01 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Bar Mitzvah

Posted by Boobobunny

Thank you...I think that I would rather have something of my own...I'm really paranoid about outting anything on my head or in my hair that isn't my own.

No problem. The point is to have your head covered. They only offer alternatives (the doilies) to women who didn't bring their own. So you will be perfectly fine.

Posted 3/3/06 2:06 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Bar Mitzvah

Posted by LSP2005

You can take a piece of white or cream lace and attach it to a bobby pin and that constitutes a head covering. FYI: They may request that for the ceremony you sit with the women and your DH sit with the men. Do you know if they will have mixed dancing? That is prob. your biggest clue.

no I have no idea...I guess I should call my aunt and ask her some questions. I can tell her that for all the times she questioned why we sit, kneel and stand in Church...that I have some questions about what to expect in the Temple.

Posted 3/3/06 2:07 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Bar Mitzvah

Are they orthodox?
Usually the temple will provide the head coverings. They are not something that other people have worn, you keep them at the end of the ceremony.

Posted 3/3/06 2:10 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Bar Mitzvah

usually they provide lace head coverings for women and yamulkas for men at the temples. I havent really seen anyone bring them from home. Then again, I dont pay too much attention.

Posted 3/3/06 9:54 PM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Bar Mitzvah

Posted by shopaholic

Are they orthodox?
Usually the temple will provide the head coverings. They are not something that other people have worn, you keep them at the end of the ceremony.

I was going to say that. Sometimes they are available. My great-grandmother was Jewish and at her memorial service they provided the head coverings for the men and women.

Posted 3/3/06 9:59 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bar Mitzvah

Posted by Shellyesq
No problem. The point is to have your head covered. They only offer alternatives (the doilies) to women who didn't bring their own. So you will be perfectly fine.

i was going to say the same thing. I've always just used to doilies that they supplied. I dont want to say 'Disposable, But, they were always given out.. not "lent", so you dont have to worry it having been on someone else's head.

Posted 3/3/06 10:00 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/06

846 total posts


Re: Bar Mitzvah

there's usually a box of Yamulkahs outside before you go into the congregation. When someone makes their bar/bat mitzvah. They usually get specialized Yamulkahs. So, the men are covered. I don't remember there being anything for women. Just get a lace thingy, and bobbie pin it to your head..

Posted 3/4/06 10:54 PM

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