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Still sleeping...

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Still sleeping...

I know it is pretty early but I put her to bed at 7:45 last night after she refused a bottle and she's still sleeping now. I'm so nervous that she's dehydrated or something is wrong. There have been so many times this week while she was sick that I wished she'd take a nap and now I wish she'd wake up so I could make sure she is okay!

Posted 8/18/06 7:26 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: Still sleeping...

I'm sure she will be fine. I hate when they are sick. Is Emily starting to feel better? Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/06 8:02 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Still sleeping...

Well I went in there to peek on her and she woke up. She seems to be in better spirits -- hse's being quiet but smiley. She also drank her whole bottle just now. The only thing that REALLY worries me is that she only had 2-3 wet diapers yesterday and her last one was around 4pm yesterday and she woke up dry this AM. But she only had about 8 oz of bottle yesterday and maybe 5-6 oz of other stuff so hopefullyshe's not dehydrated and she'll start peeing soon! She doesnt show other signs of dehydration.

Posted 8/18/06 8:09 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: Still sleeping...

I'm glad she is starting to feel better. Since she had some wet diapers and since she just drank a bottle, I don't think she will get dehydrated. Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/06 8:40 AM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: Still sleeping...

Her body is probably resting and maybe recuperating from her being sick.
Sleep is good - if she couldn't breath from her nose or was in pain - she would be up - believe me.

Its good that she drank - and keep checking her diapers - as long as they are wet - she is fine.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Hope Emily is better today.

Posted 8/18/06 9:26 AM

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