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Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

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Member since 5/05

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Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

The ped told me not to have him latch on anymore. We need to monitor exactly how much he is getting and she switched his formula for supplementation.

I feel like a bad mother now. I feel bad I was starving himChat Icon

Posted 6/21/06 6:04 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

You weren't starving him -- you were doing something wonderful by trying and BFing for as long as you did. It's just impossible to measure how much milk unless you pumped it. Don't be hard on yourself!

I had issues with BFing and had to stop cold turkey at 9 weeks. I had a lot of guilt, but in the end I was glad I tried and we had that time together in that way.
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Posted 6/21/06 6:19 PM

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I've been battling feelings of being a "bad mommy", too because Ava just cannot seem to get the hang of latching on. I met with a lactation consultant and even still, she just gets frustrated and freaks out. So I know how you feel. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon However, I decided to exclusively pump, and am so happy I am because now I know she is still getting the benefits of BM, even though we're not technically BF-ing. I hope your issues get resolved soonChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/06 7:15 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

Can you meet with a LC???? Maybe give some EBM????

Dont feel bad- it will all work out!Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/06 7:43 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

I understand what you're going through. We had the same issues with Ryan and I had to stop BF because of jaundice and his weight gain. I felt so guilty. But, I gave it a try and am exclusively pumping. The guilt has slowly gone away. Don't feel bad!! Good luck!!

Posted 6/21/06 7:45 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

I agree that you can definately try giving EBM --- if you pump you can still measure. Also there are a lot of things you can do to increase your milk supply --- LC's help so much.

Posted 6/21/06 8:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Hugs to you and your son.

Posted 6/21/06 8:58 PM

My Everything

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

Breastfed babies won't gain the same as formula fed babies and there really isn't an exact science to how much they need to gain.
My daughter was never a big gainer whether I BF, pumped, or gave her all formula.
She is 9 months old and hasn't even doubled her birth weight but she is perfectly healthy and fine.
If you want to BF or pump BM don't let a doctor tell you otherwise. You would know if you were starving your baby. Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/06 9:28 PM

where's winter?

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

Message edited 2/8/2007 12:28:39 PM.

Posted 6/22/06 8:18 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...


Message edited 6/22/2006 7:12:26 PM.

Posted 6/22/06 2:50 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

Don't feel bad. This has happened to so many of my girlfriends! You should be proud of yourself for trying to give your munchkin the best nutrients you could! Some things are just out of our control.

Posted 6/22/06 4:49 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

Aww hugs to you, it's not your fault! Some babies just don't have much success with BFing and with todays formula, he will get everything he needs, try not to worry.Chat Icon

Posted 6/22/06 4:50 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast... need a LC and a bit more of an understanding ped. To tell you to NOT latch anymore!! That is crazy. You can still breastfeed your child AND supplement with formula to get over the hump.
I allowed a ped to force Molly off the breast and it was just not the right way to approach the whole thing. BF then give a supplemental bottle. I am sorry this is happening.
If you need any support let us know. A lacation consultant can do wonders and truly help you.

Posted 6/22/06 5:24 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

You are NOT a bad mother as I am sure he was NOT starving! Us breast feeding mothers need more Pediatrician's out there who are supportive of breast feeding and not always so quick to go to formula! I am sorry you are dealing with this Chat Icon I would just keep nursing and if you absolutely have to supplement with formula then do what you feel is right.

Posted 6/23/06 3:57 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

Posted by monkeybride

Breastfed babies won't gain the same as formula fed babies

Our DD must be a unique one because she is just 3 months and is more than doubled her birth weight and she is exclusively breast fed Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 4:22 PM

The Boys!

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Re: Andrew isn't gaining weight like he should, he was taken off the breast...

Posted by MicheleMaBelle

Posted by monkeybride

Breastfed babies won't gain the same as formula fed babies

Our DD must be a unique one because she is just 3 months and is more than doubled her birth weight and she is exclusively breast fed Chat Icon

That's what I was thinking about DS...He's had formula for three months now, but he was MORE than he should have been being EBF till three months old.

Posted 6/24/06 9:12 PM

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