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This Might Be the Stupidest Question Asked Ever But...BF Moms..

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This Might Be the Stupidest Question Asked Ever But...BF Moms..

I had a crazy dream about BF my first born and looking down and not knowing if they were getting any milk and I started hysterically crying because i could not figure out if my baby was being fed or not.

So my stupid question is do you feel the milk leaving your nipple? How do you know your baby is getting the milk? And I have read that some of you switch sides when one dries do you know that?

I am crazy - I am having parenting dreams and I am still not even preggo yet!!!!


Posted 11/9/05 9:08 AM
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Re: This Might Be the Stupidest Question Asked Ever But...BF Moms..

ALi - I think it's probably a little different for everyone -but I have been BF'ing for 8 weeks. I can feel my milk "let down" - it's sort of like a cramping feeling in your breast that lasts a few seconds. This happens when the baby cries, or when she starts to eat, or even when she should be eating (like if I am out and she is with my mom - when it's time for her to eat..I'll know it.)

I don't feel the milk coming out but you can feel in your breast when it's emptied out. As far as when it's empty or how many minutes they eat on each side...I think that depends on your child. Talia sometimes eats 10 minutes from each side, sometimes only 5 - you just get to know their eating habits over time.

Posted 11/9/05 9:15 AM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: This Might Be the Stupidest Question Asked Ever But...BF Moms..

Worrying that your baby is getting enough to eat is the most common worry for BF moms. IT's not a stupid question at all.

Even though you can feel the pull and that he/she is getting the breast milk, after they're done you'll say to yourself - what if they really didn't eat enough.

Your pediatrician has the answer. They'll tell you that you can count the number of diapers your baby goes through, they'll also tell you that they're gaining weight. The everyday answer is the diapers.

Posted 11/9/05 9:47 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: This Might Be the Stupidest Question Asked Ever But...BF Moms..

I don't feel anything other than her clamping down on my nipple. (Sounds worse than it actually is hehe.)

You will know your child is getting milk as it dribbles out of their mouth every now and then, and because they will be happy after they have eaten. A baby doesn't just give up if there is no milk, a baby gets angry!

Generally when you start you are told to switch sides after 20 minutes. You'll get a feel for when/if to switch based on your baby once you have some practice.

As others have said though, the proof is in the diapers. If milk is going in, pee and poop are coming out!

Posted 11/9/05 10:30 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: This Might Be the Stupidest Question Asked Ever But...BF Moms..

I've ALWAYS worried about this b/c Logan only eats for about 5-6 minutes and usually not on both sides.

Definately watch for pee and poop diapers (my SIL recently dried out after 4 mos of BFing. When I asked her how she knew she said he wasn't going to the bathroom.)

When you go the the Dr for your wellcare visits the Dr will let you know if the baby is gaining weight.........So far, he has gained 2 the first month and 2 lbs the second month.

I didn't feel the "let down" pains until after a month or month and a half or so, so that didn't help me in the beginning.

You usually see milk on the corner of their mouths........and if he pulls off of me, sometimes mine shoots a steady stream until I put pressure on itChat Icon .

You can definately feel the differnce in your boobs (if they are full before feeding). They are hard before the baby feeds and mushy afterwardsChat Icon ....This isn't ALWAYS the case b/c my son eats often (instead of a lot at one time) so I'm not extra full very often.

You can also tell if your baby is satisfied just by the way they act. If the baby is screaming after eating, they probably didn't get enough.

ETA: I don't feel the milk coming out just him sucking.

Message edited 11/9/2005 10:48:38 AM.

Posted 11/9/05 10:47 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: This Might Be the Stupidest Question Asked Ever But...BF Moms..

Posted by betty
You can also tell if your baby is satisfied just by the way they act. If the baby is screaming after eating, they probably didn't get enough.

ETA: I don't feel the milk coming out just him sucking.

I just wanted to say that a crying baby isn't always the case. On one hand they can cry because they're gassy. YOu have a time frame between when a baby's gas is in it's stomach vs when it gets down to its intestines. If you can get the burp out before it gets to instestinal gas, you'll have a lot less screaming.

On the other hand a baby that doesn't cry doesn't mean they've been fed well either. In my twin's case - her DD wasn't getting any breast milk and she didn't know it - and she was so impressed that her 2 day old daughter slept for such a long period of time (5+ hours) but something didn't look right about her - she called the pediatrian who had her come in immediately. She wasn't latching on properly & hadn't gotten any milk and didn't go through any diapers. She was lethargic. In the end, she saw a LC and went on to feed her DD to the ripe old age of 2-1/2! Chat Icon I don't want to scare the new moms about this anymore than they already are- but just remember if you're worried, count diapers, count diapers, count diapers...

Posted 11/9/05 1:01 PM

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