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Waking up at night for feeding question?

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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Waking up at night for feeding question?

We went for Julia's 6 month appt this week and our peditrician said Julia shouldn't have more than 30 oz of formula per day - in hopes that she would be eating more solids.

Well - for the past week - Julia has decided to wake up about 2-3 times a night crying and fussing and HUNGRY! The only way to console her is with a bottle and off she is to sleep. She hates her paci and wants nothing but a bottle.

She has been sleeping through the night up until a week or so since 2.5 months - so i can't figure out her new routine - so its frustrating - im exhausted.

The problem is is that her formula increase per day is increasing because of these night feedings - but what can i do? Give her water? She drinks anywhere from 5-8 ounces during the drink and goes back to sleep - then has a morning, afternoon, evening bottle of 7-8 oz each + cereal, with fruit/or veggies.
Last night I put her down at 7:30 pm - she woke up at 11:30, 4:30 and then 6:00 am starving - we had to give her a bottle. I think thats just a lot of formula for her. Doctor said her weight/height is 95% - so she is growing nicely - but something doesn't seem right.
I wanted to get your opinions since she has been doing this for a week now -

What do you think i should do?
ThanksChat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/1/2006 9:31:12 AM.

Posted 9/1/06 9:27 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1134 total posts


Re: Waking up at night for feeding question?

What does she eat in the evening for dinner?

Posted 9/1/06 9:33 AM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: Waking up at night for feeding question?

Posted by jana

What does she eat in the evening for dinner?

In the evening she has about 4 tlbsp of cereal + veggie and some fruit. We are starting meats this weekend.

+ she will have about 6-8 ounces of her bottle - my daughter is a slow eater - a totally snacker - so dinner can stretch for a good 2-3 hours....Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/06 9:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1134 total posts


Re: Waking up at night for feeding question?

Thats a good amount of food,I don't think she's hungry.
Maybe teeth? and she wants the bottle only because it soothes her gums.

Hang in there Chat Icon it'll pass.

Posted 9/1/06 9:53 AM

Love my little ladies

Member since 2/06

1225 total posts


Re: Waking up at night for feeding question?

When she wakes up instead of a bottle try givining her a pacifier. My babies are 6 months- I give 16-20 oz of formula a day with 2 tbls cereal and fruit. Each bottle has 4 oz. When my babies were in the NICU- The doc and nurses said a feeding should only take 1/2 hour and you should stop after that. Is your baby cranky during the day? I used to feed one of my babies a lot during the day and she would get really cranky and then i took her to a Gastro Doc and they said she was eating to much. So i cut her down with the formula and she is doing so much better. I put them to sleep by 7pm and they might get up 4:30-5 i just give them the pacifier and they go back to sleep until 6-6:30. Hope this helps!

Posted 9/1/06 2:22 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Waking up at night for feeding question?

I don't think feeding her at night is a good idea. It's becoming a habit and then eventualy the bottles will cause bottle rot on her new teeth.Chat Icon

I think TwinMama's suggestion of the pacifier is a good one. You can try feeding her more & cutting down on the formula for dinnertime.

Posted 9/1/06 2:49 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Waking up at night for feeding question?

i dont think shes hungry either, she is most likely waking up out of habit, or anticipation knowing you will come in to see her and give her a bottle. i think i would try to increase her cereal at dinner time, and then right before bed give her a full bottle.

Posted 9/1/06 3:12 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Waking up at night for feeding question?

DS is 7 months now and started waking up every few days or so in the middle of the night. For him I knew that he was not hungry just that he woke up from sleeping and is used to getting a bottle when he wakes up. I let him cry it out and within 5-10 minutes he went right back to sleep.

Posted 9/1/06 3:13 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: Waking up at night for feeding question?

Thanks ladies so much for your responses - Im going to try giving her the paci and letting her cry it out for a bit - with hopes she goes back to sleep again!!

Ill keep you posted. Thanks againChat Icon

Posted 9/1/06 3:41 PM

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