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I dont mean to complain....(LONG)

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April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


I dont mean to complain....(LONG)

My dd is 16 weeks and this week has been the worst in a long while regarding her sleeping. She goes to sleep well on her own always at 8 after the same routine. This week she is waking up between 11-1 and then again between 4-5. I feel like my dh and I have tried everything. She also will fall asleep after the 4 or 5 feeding and then we have to wake her to go to daycare.
*We usually swaddle and we have tried unswaddling because she likes to kick her feet out, didnt help so went back to swaddling
* We use a humidifier and tried soft music and a cd that plays white noise
* We tried to feed her more before bed--she eats 30oz in a 24 hour period and is already over 15 pounds so I dont want to feed her more
* When she wakes the first time (b/w 11-1) we give her the pacifier and she usually settles pretty quickly. Last night we did feed her at 11 thinking that maybe she would sleep till 6 and we could get at least 6 hours of sleep, she only took 2 ounces and woke again at 3
*I took the bumpers off her crib because she rolls herself to the side no matter where in the crib I place her
* I let her cry for about 5 minutes before I go in...I dont think it would help for her to cry longer because she just gets more upset and I dont think I can go longer with her so upset
* I would suspect that teething is the cause but she is so good during the day..she is at daycare and they tell me she rarely cries. When I pick her up from there she is always happy. Would teething only bother her at night?
*This weekend we fed her rice cereal for the first time from a spoon. She took very little of it but has had rice cereal from her bottle since 3 weeks old due to reflux. I havent had a chance to feed her from the spoon during the week and I think I will try oatmeal this weekend. He told me that next month we would start fruit, should I do the oatmeal or wait for him to say to?

Is there something I am missing or do other people who have babies that seem to everyweek have a different sleeping pattern?????

Posted 4/20/06 9:25 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: I dont mean to complain....(LONG)

I am at work and wish I had more time to write - but just wanted to say that it could be teething - sometimes the pain is worse when they are laying down. When Michael's first tooth was cutting through we had about a week of NO sleep! He was usually fine during the day except for chomping on his hands or drooling, but at night is when the pain kicked in unfortunately. I hope this gets better for you soon!

Hang in there! Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 9:34 AM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: I dont mean to complain....(LONG)

My son is going to be 7 months next week and EVERY night is different still. In the beginning I stressed and stressed and cried and cried, but now I realize, since I do not intend to do CIO, that this is him. He needs to nurse 2 or 3 times a night (sometimes 4!) I've tried everything and now that I've just come to the realization that he needs to eat (he falls right back asleep) I'm not stressed anymore. Every baby is different - and then on top of that there is teething and growth spurts and change in routine. If you're a fan of CIO there are alot of moms on here that can give you great advice...otherwise, relax and don't stress - it will get betterChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 9:41 AM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: I dont mean to complain....(LONG)

Roman and Sydney have such similarities with their sleeping patterns from day to day it's scary. He too has been waking every 3 hours after going down at 8. I think they're in cohoots to drive us crazy.

I tried putting a changing table pad in his crib since he was rolling to one side and then crying because he would get stuck there, maybe you could try that? It sounded good in theory but didn't work for Roman, he still woke up. Maybe you could try a sleep blanket, so she will still feel cozy but would be able to move her legs?

Maybe you need to get that swing at daycare with no batteries and have her sleep in it.Chat Icon

We need to sit the two of them down and have a talkChat Icon

Posted 4/20/06 9:47 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: I dont mean to complain....(LONG)

I just wanted to say that two night wakings is very, very common at 16 weeks. Sounds to me like you are doing everything right, and have a healthy normal baby.

Posted 4/20/06 9:51 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: I dont mean to complain....(LONG)

Thanks everyone, I feel better knowing its not just me going crazy over lack of sleep. When your baby isnt sleeping it feels like everyone elses is.

Posted 4/20/06 11:36 AM

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