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Refusing Bottle...HELP!

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Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Refusing Bottle...HELP!

We recently changed Kevin's feeding schedule from 5 6oz bottles & 2 solid feeding per day to 4 7oz bottles per day along with an additional solid feeding.

Now he's starting to refuse the bottle at the two middle feedings. He gobbles up the solids but will only drink 3 oz of formula at the most.
You'd think he'd be more hungry going an extra hour between feedings but nope. He gets the formula first and then his solids so i know he's not full of food before getting his formula.

What the heck is going on?

He did just get one tooth, could the nipple be causing him pain when he drinking?

We just started with a sippy cup and he plays with it more than actually gets fluid from it.

Posted 3/4/06 4:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Refusing Bottle...HELP!

Emily also refuses the bottle completely sometimes. I think that sicne we started solids that is just her method of choice for getting food in. She went yesterday from noon-6pm without a bottle which is uncharacteristic for her. However she's been doing this for a while (I definately think it gets worse when she's teething more) and she's still gaining at the dr's so I'm trying not to stress over it.

Posted 3/4/06 7:19 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: Refusing Bottle...HELP!

I just made a post that my DS is doing the same thing...but the problem is he is TOTALLY making up for it at night by waking every 1.5-2hrs to nurseChat Icon

Posted 3/5/06 7:27 AM

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