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success rates for IVF

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success rates for IVF

Why are they SO different from place to place? Any specific reason?

My friend has 2 blocked tubes, is looking for a good facility. She has Empire BCBS and Oxford. Empire (her prime insurance) will cover all the testing and sonos, meds etc and then Oxford( dhs policy) offers $10K for the rest.

SO , she needs a place with a high success rate that takes both insurances.

I looked up the most recent stats on the dept. of health website.
Long Island IVf in Port Jeff has a 54 % success rate for IVF (fresh eggs)

BUT they only take oxford

RSONY takes both but their success rate is only 24%.

Thats a HUGE difference.

if it were you, would you save money and go to RSONY or would you spend more Out of pocket to get a higher rate of success?

TIA for your opinions!

Posted 8/4/05 7:18 PM
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Re: success rates for IVF

OMG, I had no idea the success rates at RSONY were so low. I'm surprised with those stats, they participate in the shared risk program. I guess if I was her, I'd go to Port Jeff regardless of my insurance, esp since Oxford covers up to 10,000. As a matter of fact, you're making me want to switch from RSONY to Port Jeff. She could always spend 10,000 at port jeff and if it doesn't work, move on to RSONY. she can't lose that way. given port jeff's success rates, maybe she won't have to spend more than that. I wonder if they're figuring their stats out the same way. that's very discouraging. Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/05 7:40 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: success rates for IVF

OK though....keep in mind the last stats to be reported were in 2002. The national reports take YEARS to update, so they are 3 years behind, BUT they could be higher or lower...your just taking a chance I guess??

Posted 8/4/05 7:43 PM

Best Friends

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Re: success rates for IVF

thats true and statistics are totally dependent on the statistician.

Posted 8/4/05 8:23 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: success rates for IVF

Posted by rose825

thats true and statistics are totally dependent on the statistician.

Can you explain that to me? Im concerned about the stats....

Posted 8/4/05 8:44 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: success rates for IVF

I just checked mine, and he was pretty high.
I thought it said about 70%. It broke it down into age groups.

Posted 8/5/05 8:13 AM

Time for me to FLY!

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Re: success rates for IVF

It also depends on the cases they take on...certain clinics are known for "rejecting" patients with harder cases, or older women so their stats look better.

Posted 8/5/05 8:25 AM

Delay is not denial

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Re: success rates for IVF

I agree with Lisa. Some places are very particular on who they treat, so that their statistics show up better. Especially the smaller clinics. The smaller clinics have very few retrievals. Some long island clinics, only have let's say 40 retrievals, and CRMI (the place I listed below) does something like 1600 retrievals.

If I need to go for IVF, I will be going to Weil Medical College of Cornell University Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility in Manhattan. They are associated with Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. They are rated top ten in the nation. Some of their doctors are the most renowned in the fertility field. They currently are working new methods for ART. They also have urologists on hand and they treat male reproductive issues.

I am trying to paste the graph of their success rate ...but I am not "sucessful' lol. Hopefully it will be up soon. One thing I especially like is the fact that their pg rates are very close to their birth rates! That of course is KEY.

Message edited 8/5/2005 11:47:33 AM.

Posted 8/5/05 11:33 AM

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Re: success rates for IVF

speaking from experience, I really wouldn't judge soley by stats as every women is a unique situation and IVF brings MANY different and individual problems to the there is ALOT of different scenarios that need to take into effect when looking at actual stats..

more importantly is to find a clinic that you feel comfortable with and a docter whom you like and understands your needs..

by the way, I used Dr. Kenigsberg at LIIVF..I would highly recommend that clinic..

I wish you all the very best!!Chat Icon

Message edited 8/5/2005 2:15:08 PM.

Posted 8/5/05 2:12 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: success rates for IVF

I completly agree with the info youa ll gave. What I did was look at the federal chart , and like I said its 3 years old...

LIIVF had actually about 80 more IVF's then that could increase the success...I was also looking at the cases they handle with women with tubal issues...a much harder scenario obviously and RSONY had more of those cases, which I factored in to the rates....

just concerned and wondering what everyone thought.

Posted 8/5/05 6:03 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Re: success rates for IVF

Posted by redstar

If I need to go for IVF, I will be going to Weil Medical College of Cornell University Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility in Manhattan. They are associated with Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. They are rated top ten in the nation. Some of their doctors are the most renowned in the fertility field. They currently are working new methods for ART. They also have urologists on hand and they treat male reproductive issues.

I am trying to paste the graph of their success rate ...but I am not "sucessful' lol. Hopefully it will be up soon. One thing I especially like is the fact that their pg rates are very close to their birth rates! That of course is KEY.

This is where I go!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/5/05 6:32 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: success rates for IVF

Lisa, are you happy with them ? I heard such fantastic things. They come highly recommended, by someone who is quite prestigious.....I am considering switching over, even before I get to IVF.

Btw, Lisa, I think you and I have gotten married at the same place. If I recall you had Oheka Castle down as your wedding place ? (sorry change of topic)

Message edited 8/5/2005 6:38:32 PM.

Posted 8/5/05 6:36 PM

Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05

13199 total posts

Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: success rates for IVF

Posted by redstar

Lisa, are you happy with them ? I heard such fantastic things. They come highly recommended, by someone who is quite prestigious.....I am considering switching over, even before I get to IVF.

Btw, Lisa, I think you and I have gotten married at the same place. If I recall you had Oheka Castle down as your wedding place ? (sorry change of topic)

I am very happy with Cornell. I love my RE. It's so much different from where I went before. Of course, I am still not pg...but I am one of those hard cases that was basically told "buh-bye" from another clinic. Cornell took me on without a second thought...

And, yes, I did get married at Oheka! What a fairytale day!

Posted 8/5/05 7:12 PM

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