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BF'ing Moms-Do you still have to nurse at least 8 times a day..

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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


BF'ing Moms-Do you still have to nurse at least 8 times a day..

After the baby is a certain age?

DD is almost 3 months old, and she has been sleeping alot longer at night( I know i am very luckyChat Icon )

With her sleeping more/longer, I can't feed her that 8 times a day. Should I be concerned?

She eats fine during the day, still every 2-3 hours, sometimes 1 1/2 hours. She is thriving, so I am not worried about too much, just concerned.

Today she is still sleeping, it's allmost 10am, that means it's been 12 hours!

Posted 7/25/06 9:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: BF'ing Moms-Do you still have to nurse at least 8 times a day..

I B/Feed on demand and have been told that if they are hungry they will wake and look for some food..I wouldnt worry if I were you...I know in the beginning I was feeding all the time and it did begin to lessen around the 3mth mark.

My DD never slept for that length so I never had to worry...

Posted 7/25/06 9:55 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: BF'ing Moms-Do you still have to nurse at least 8 times a day..

I usually feed her every 3 hours. Now i am back to work so I feed her once in the morning and about 2-3 times in the evenings, depending on when she goes to bed. She usually gets 2 bottles during the day and I pump 2 bottles during the day.

Sorry if this is confusing. In sum, she still eats about 6-7 times a day. I'm lucky though. DD usually sleeps though the night. on occasion she needs a 4:30 feeding, but I didn't count that.

ETA: DD is 3 months old.

Message edited 7/25/2006 10:03:15 AM.

Posted 7/25/06 10:02 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: BF'ing Moms-Do you still have to nurse at least 8 times a day..

I feed DD 6-7 a day and I supplement with formula. I do pump one of the feeding so DH can feed her at 5:30AM. While I Chat Icon for another hour. HTHChat Icon

Posted 7/25/06 10:12 AM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: BF'ing Moms-Do you still have to nurse at least 8 times a day..

I nurse her on "cue" I never count how many times... I would guess about every 2-3 hours during the day and whenever she wakes at night which could be anywhere from 4 or more hour stretches...

Posted 7/25/06 10:25 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: BF'ing Moms-Do you still have to nurse at least 8 times a day..

Ok, I feel much betterChat Icon

I nurse her on cue too, the other day i actually counted ,which i haven't done since she was about 4-5 weeks old, and it came to like 6-7 times a day. She's seems happy so I am happy!

ThankyouChat Icon

Posted 7/25/06 11:37 AM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: BF'ing Moms-Do you still have to nurse at least 8 times a day..

DS is 4 months and we're not even close to 8x a day. When he started sleeping through the night that cut back on his feedings. He pretty much sleeps around 11-12 hours at night and eats about every 3 hours so usually we get in about 5 feedings. But I know some days it's only 4. I have noticed though that now that he doesn't eat as many times a day, the length of his feedings has increased. He used to only nurse for about 30 minutes, but now some of his feedings are like an hour long!! I asked my pediatrician about it last week and she said he's probably making up for the feedings by nursing longer.

Posted 7/25/06 11:43 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: BF'ing Moms-Do you still have to nurse at least 8 times a day..

Sounds like you are doing everything right, and that you are very, very lucky!

Posted 7/25/06 1:10 PM

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