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I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

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My princess!

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I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

Well I went to have my 3 hour test today. Got up at 6 in the morning, starved myself. Got there right for 8, they told me on the phone they would take me right away, which they didnt. They made me sit there and wait until 9 which means my test wasnt even officially started yet.

Meanwhile, when I called to schedule the test, all they told me was not to eat after midnight. So the tech asks me, when is the last time you ate? I tell her 11 last night and she goes you were supposed to start fasting at 10. I go, no one told me that. She goes well I guess its ok. Then she says, have you had any water, so I tell her I took 2 sips because I was so dry and she starts yelling at me that I wasnt supposed to drink am I supposed to know I cant have water?? No one told me any different. Then to top it off, she sees me chewing a piece of gum. I tell her its sugarless and she says it doesnt matter, this test is over. I am like WHAT???????????? She says to leave because they cant do the test because I took two sips of water and chewed a piece of gum. I was so livid. The person at the desk NEVER TOLD ME NOT TO DO ANY OF THIS! How was I supposed to know??? Meanwhile, for my one hour, they originally wanted me to come at 6 at night, just not to eat after lunch. I drank water and chewed gum. No wonder I failed by 10 points. I am sorry, I truly dont think these tests are accurate AT ALL!

So now I have to start this process all over again. I wont be going back to the hospital though. I am going to my local lab for it. I am just so bummed, I thought it would all be over by now. UGH!!!!!!!!!

Posted 6/5/06 5:23 PM
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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..


I had lunch the day I took my test, and had my test at 6:00 - I had to drink the drink at 5:00 - no one said anything about not drinking anything and noone said anything about gum. Quite honestly, I would talk to your doctors office about this.
Is that where you had it at your doctors office or did you have to go somewhere?

Posted 6/5/06 5:26 PM

My princess!

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

My doctor sent me to the hospital lab to take it, which is another thing I dont understand, I swear I think its just an insurance scam!

This was my 3 hour...the one you just posted about was for your one hour Marcie or your 3 hour??

Posted 6/5/06 5:28 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

Posted by nycchic24

My doctor sent me to the hospital lab to take it, which is another thing I dont understand, I swear I think its just an insurance scam!

This was my 3 hour...the one you just posted about was for your one hour Marcie or your 3 hour??

It was for the one hour - but the concept is the same. whether to fast or not.
I think all places are different.

Posted 6/5/06 5:34 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

I drank before my 3 hour - just plain water. I would have passed out if I didn't. And she encouraged me to drink during because I was dizzy.

I can understand the gum though - even fake sugar might change your insulin levels. However, they should have explicitly said nothing in the mouth after 10pm. By the way, who could survive for 12 hours of NOTHING and PREGNANT.

We'd be Chat Icon all over the place!

Posted 6/5/06 5:43 PM

My boys

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

UUGGGGGGG Noreen I'm so sorry!!!! I know how hard these tests are for you and how much stress you go through before them now you have to deal with thisChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/06 5:55 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

I'm sorry Noreen. I don't understand why they gave you such a hard time about the water. I drank before my test and the tech knew. It was the only way I could have get that drink down. I had my test done at Quest. They were really very nice. I made an appointment and they took me pretty much as soon as I handed in my paperwork. They had a private lounge area for me to sit during the whole thing. Maybe you can try there.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/06 6:16 PM

So Big... So Fast!

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

I had mine done last Thursday. My instructions were not to eat after midnight, but i could drink water. How can all these places have different rules? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/06 7:55 PM


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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

Are you kidding? That is so horrible!!! I'd be so mad!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/06 8:10 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

Chat Icon that stinks! tomorrow is my 1 hr..anything I should know???

Posted 6/5/06 8:31 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

Call and speak to a manager. Complain about the way you were spoken to.
I would have totally drank water and I did throughout my entire test! No you never know what can throw your results off and you do NOT want to have any GD issues if you can help it. But I think she should have spoken to you in a nice manner and to make you wait an HOUR...NO WAY.
Go to another place and complain about this actual person..sorry.

Posted 6/5/06 9:36 PM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

That was completely rude and unprofessional of them. I'm sorry you have to do this all over again. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/06 9:54 PM

Making big changes

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

Posted by Disneygirl

That was completely rude and unprofessional of them. I'm sorry you have to do this all over again. Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/06 10:00 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

How RUDE!!!!!

Sips of water before your test should not affect you but the gum might have.

Posted 6/5/06 10:04 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

I agree...that was pretty rude of that nurse to talk to you ike that.
Im sorry you had to go through thatChat Icon

Posted 6/5/06 10:04 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

Oh Noreen. That's such BULLsh-t! First of all, my doctor told me I only needed to fast from midnight for the three hour (and she knew I was going in at 7am), AND she told me to make sure I drink water before I go! I'm telling you, before you go and do the three hour again, ask your dr. if you can do the one hour again. That's absolute crap. I'm so sorry that happened.

On the other hand....I'M SO PROUD OF YOU FOR GOING!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/06 10:11 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

The one hour is not a fasting test so you can do whatever you want. The 3 hr is fasting so no gum or water once it starts. You can drink water before. They shouldn't have made you wait and they should give you the proper instructions. I would complain for that reason. Good luck with it the next time. Bring your water and a snack so you can have it as soon as the test is over.

Posted 6/6/06 12:02 PM

This is how I play basketball!

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

wow, that totally stinks. when i went for my 3 hour, the nurse told that i should've been drinking water the whole morning to keep myself hydrated. i figured fasting including not drinking water.

Posted 6/6/06 4:55 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

sorry you had a bad experience but at least you didn't sit thru the entire test and have it screwed up by a piece of gum. Having GD, I can understand the no gum thing. I was told to fast after midnight and assumed it meant everything water and more. No one said anying about water and I drank nothing from wake up at 5:30 am and until the test was over at like noon!!!! After reading these boards I wish I knew to ask about water - I was so dizzy after the test.

You should have seen my experience when I had my three hour. I had an appt and I get there and the place is closed due to something went wrong in the building. I have to walk like 15 minutes in the city in pouring rain to the other location which was after walking 15 minutes from Penn to get to this one at like 28 weeks preggo - I thought the baby would fall out by the time I got there - they had a sign posted - not knowing if they would accept me because I called the new location and no one would answer the phone. I get there and they almost didn't take me because they weren't sure I had an appt with the other and had to make all these calls and I was ready to cry. They finally took me and I sat in the smelly cramped waiting room for many hours and whenever I got up to get the blood drawn - someone would grab my seat since it was packed. No one mentioned the water so I hadn't drank anything for so long and was getting dizzy and weak. It started later than I anticipated and ended later. It was bad - feel better yet? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Good Luck on your 2nd try!!!

On the next try make sure you keep track of when they draw your blood and time the hour in between - I know my place kept forgetting about me and I had to keep reminding them. And don't be shy about it - these results are important - you want to know the real deal.

Message edited 6/6/2006 5:29:22 PM.

Posted 6/6/06 5:28 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

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Re: I am livid...3 hour test update...drama..

sorry about your bad experience. I just went for my 3 hour Friday and was told to fast...nothing about water so I drank all night and morning. Once they started the test they told me no water. I don't understand how they can expect a pregnant woman to go 10-12 hours without any water. Isn't that danagerous for us?

Best of luck to you.

Posted 6/6/06 9:11 PM

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