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How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

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I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

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How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

How are they able to tell you approx. how much your baby weighs and when do they do it?

Message edited 3/16/2006 2:51:40 PM.

Posted 3/16/06 2:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

I had a growth sono at 30 weeks, where they measure the head and bones, etc. and can get estimates that way. they aren't extremely accurate, but it gives you an idea.

Posted 3/16/06 3:04 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

I just had a sono at 22 weeks and they said that the baby is one pound already!

Posted 3/16/06 3:48 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

I had a sono done a few days before my daughter was born.

It was estimated she would be 8.5 plus lbs - but when she was born she weighed only 7 lbs 6 oz.

Posted 3/16/06 4:25 PM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

I just went on Monday for a follow up, and was told that our baby is weighing almost 3lbs already... and I'm about to enter my 29th week! Chat Icon

11 weeks to go, and if this baby gains ½lb each week, it'll weigh over 8lbs.

Posted 3/16/06 4:34 PM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

Posted by chmlengr

I had a growth sono at 30 weeks, where they measure the head and bones, etc. and can get estimates that way. they aren't extremely accurate, but it gives you an idea.

Yes, I had this done yesterday at 36 wks and the estimate weight of my baby right now is 7 lbs., so we'll see how big he is really going to be in 4 more weeks.

Posted 3/16/06 4:44 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

Posted by dld4e

Posted by chmlengr

I had a growth sono at 30 weeks, where they measure the head and bones, etc. and can get estimates that way. they aren't extremely accurate, but it gives you an idea.

Yes, I had this done yesterday at 36 wks and the estimate weight of my baby right now is 7 lbs., so we'll see how big he is really going to be in 4 more weeks.

Wow! 7 lbs and they gain about 1/2 lb a week...that's a 9lb baby!

Posted 3/16/06 4:52 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

My dr is sending me for a sono April 5th to see how big the baby is because I'm measuring 4 weeks ahead of my due date. I'll be 35.5 weeks PG.

Posted 3/16/06 4:52 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

501 total posts


Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

i had a sono last week (22 weeks) and my chunker was weighing in at a pound and a half...that leaves them at estimating him to be between 9 and 10 pounds!!! i guess they know what they're talking about when they say diabetics tend to have bigger babies!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/16/06 4:52 PM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

Posted by MrsJ

Posted by dld4e

Posted by chmlengr

I had a growth sono at 30 weeks, where they measure the head and bones, etc. and can get estimates that way. they aren't extremely accurate, but it gives you an idea.

Yes, I had this done yesterday at 36 wks and the estimate weight of my baby right now is 7 lbs., so we'll see how big he is really going to be in 4 more weeks.

Wow! 7 lbs and they gain about 1/2 lb a week...that's a 9lb baby!

Yeah, tell me about it. My first was 8.8 (via c-section), I pretty much expected this one to be big too. At least I won't have to push him, I am having a c-section again for a couple of reasons.

Posted 3/16/06 5:00 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

I was told that they measure the length of the femur and the size of the head to approximate the weight of the baby. I had a sono at 27 weeks, and they said the baby was about 3.5 pounds. With 13 weeks to go, that would make the baby about 10 pounds!!! Chat Icon

I really hope they're off.

Posted 3/16/06 6:40 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: How and when do they tell you babies approx. weight

at around 24 weeks they started telling me how much the baby weighed when they did growth sonos.

Our little girl is 2.5 lbs now - I am 27 weeks!

Posted 3/16/06 6:57 PM

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