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Kiddie Kandids Question

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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Kiddie Kandids Question

Im going to take Katie there this week for the first time. What is the procedure there? How do I know what to dress her in and what themes do they have? Do I have to bring different outfits with me? Help! I know this is NOT a big deal in the grand scheme of life LOL but I want to be prepared. I'm a first timer...any suggestions?

Posted 7/9/06 10:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: Kiddie Kandids Question

you just have to go there and put your name on the list there's usually a wait. go in the morning. you can bring however many outfits as you want and there are many themes. just remember you have to pay for all the pictures in the end!! it's so hard to not take them all when they come out so cute!!!!

Posted 7/9/06 11:14 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: Kiddie Kandids Question

I go there a lot, so I usually just go on their website and see what the new backgrounds are, and they also show the old ones. You can bring more then one outfit with you also. Have fun!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 11:18 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Kiddie Kandids Question

For her age, they usually have set poses that they do. So basically, you hold her while they set up for the pose, then they position her and you keep your hands on her until the second they're ready to snap the picture. You're next to her at all times. Usually they'll shake a rattle or squeak a little ducky or something along those lines to get her attention. Not certain of the amount, but I'm fairly certain they do 4 poses and you get to choose your favorite shots from each pose by viewing them on a digital screen. Then, the photographer sends them over to their computer station and you get to choose what kind of sheets/packages you want, if any, from there. After you make your choices, they print the pictures out for you (usually only takes about 10-15 minutes) while you go pay for them at a BRU register.
As for what she should wear, that's really up to you. When I took Christopher for his one-month shots, I just picked things that I thought were "cute". I did change him into a different outfit, but if you don't think she'll do well with an outfit change (Like if you think it will get her upset), I wouldn't recommend it. If she takes a pacifier or has a toy or something that soothes her, I'd recommend bringing it, just in case she gets cranky. Pictures can sometimes be a stressful experience, but the Kiddie Kandid people make it as un-stressful as possible and with infants, they work as quickly as possible to ensure you get all of your poses.
As for themes/backrounds, they have a large variety. Usually with infant shtos, they stick to solid colors, but if you see something you'd like to try, don't be afraid to ask. Also, if you want to have a picture of her with something specific (One of her own toys or one of their props), don't be afraid to ask for that either. They're usually very easy-going with stuff like that. Off the top of my head (since I was there today), the theme backrounds they have are: a lighthouse, a tropical island, a meadow....and that's all I can remember. Then the solids (blue, white, black...there may be others).
Also, if you're not happy at all with the pictures, don't feel obligated to buy any. You can come back another day and try again. Make sure to go at a time that's good for her (after a nap or after she's eaten...a time when you know she'll be in a good mood/alert)
Oh, also, you can't make appointments. You just have to go there and hope there's not a huge line in front of you. If you go on a weekday in the morning, you shouldn't have a problem. Just go there and check in and they'll either take you right away or give you an estimate of how long you have to wait. I had to wait an hour and a half today Chat Icon , but it was my own stupid fault for going mid-afternoon on a Sunday. Hope I helped a bit! Good luck and post pictures!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/06 11:19 PM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: Kiddie Kandids Question

I went at 11 am and I was next to go. I heard in the morning it is packed. People wait outside. I don't see the point in this. I say go mid morning.

1 outfit is fine and you get 6 poses. For a newborn it is set poses and backgrounds. They like to do diaper shots.

Have funChat Icon

Posted 7/10/06 12:39 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Kiddie Kandids Question

Thank you SOOO much for the info everyone!

Posted 7/10/06 8:35 AM

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