at 9 month- refusing to take the bottle but still eats solids
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boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
at 9 month- refusing to take the bottle but still eats solids
Bryan has been exclusively on formula and solids for about 4 months now but just within the last couple of days its been soo hard to get him to take the bottle he just pushes it away-- do you think this is a sign of teething or ear infection? He was just at the Dr on Sat and he checked his ears and didnt say anything was wrong of course the refusing of the bottle started later that day. He usually is a wonderful eater so its weird. But he still takes solids at this point.
Posted 4/3/06 6:37 PM |
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Member since 5/05 1706 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: at 9 month- refusing to take the bottle but still eats solids
My son is 6 mos and does the same thing. He takes a bottle and nurses but sometimes days will go by where he'll only eat from a spoon and takes an ounce or 2 here and there either from bottle or boob. My dr said it's perfectly normal. How long has it been going on?
Posted 4/3/06 6:50 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: at 9 month- refusing to take the bottle but still eats solids
If its just been a few days I wouldnt' worry too much. We go through that as well with both bottles and solids. I figure somethings going on thats making her not really want to eat. I just try to offer her bottles or food more often to hopefully catch the right moment. If it goes on for more than a week I would probably call the doctor.
Posted 4/3/06 7:01 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: at 9 month- refusing to take the bottle but still eats solids
My DS is the same way - ever since we started on three meals per day, he barely drinks anything - formula, water, juice, etc. I ran down a daily meal plan with our pediatrician and she said it was fine, just watch to make sure he is wetting his diaper and not constipated. We use formula in his cereal so he gets some that way (three times per day with a jar of stage two at each meal). Some days he takes more than others. It's normal.
Posted 4/3/06 8:06 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/05 317 total posts
Re: at 9 month- refusing to take the bottle but still eats solids
i could have wrote this post myself... for the last 2 days my DD wants nothing to do with the bottle.. I still somehow manage to get 27 oz. into her but it is like wrestling her to do it. can it be from the teething? she cut one tooth 3 days ago and the other looks like it is right there?
Posted 4/3/06 9:02 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 359 total posts
Re: at 9 month- refusing to take the bottle but still eats solids
keep an eye on it. my daughter did the same thing and she ended up having an ear infection. She had no other symptoms but sometimes they wont. If it keeps up i would take the baby back to the doc. Sometimes it takes a little while to show up.
Posted 4/5/06 12:17 PM |
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