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Human Resources People - Question

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Member since 5/05

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Human Resources People - Question

My wife yesterday brought up the idea of possibly going into the Human Resources field.

She is considering going back to college to finish up... or at least officially get her Associates (she already has 50-60 credits).

She had a couple of questions for the people here that are in this field.

Why did you go into the field?

What do you like about working in the field?

Do you have to major in this HR field in college or can major for something else?

(and if not too personal).... How are the salaries in the field starting out (I guess as a HR Associate).


Posted 1/24/06 11:16 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Human Resources People - Question

I worked HR for Sears IMO...

HR last one hired... first one fired..

My Major was BA in Criminal Justice in Law and Due Process.

I starting working on my MA in Human Resources and stopped after that job.

I got paid very well but as time went on more and more of the assistants quit, fired and in most cases your trying to find other people for the other departments that they rarely give you anyone.

Posted 1/24/06 11:21 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/05

224 total posts


Re: Human Resources People - Question

I have severa years of HR experience working in the private sector, as well as the public sector (state and federal).

First thing that I must say is that your experience in HR will vary based on soooo many different things.

Private sector HR and Public sector HR handles things very differently. Senior management's view on HR has a HUGE impact on the role of HR for that organization. If the company has unions or not also makes a very big difference as well, along with many other things. Also the area of HR that they will be doing would change the experience. Employee Relations? Labor Relations? Compensation? Recruiting? Benefits? Training? Workers Comp? etc....

I decided to get into HR because of the level of influence that HR has on an organization. The more that senior management understands HR's role, the more that HR Professionals can be a strategic partner. HR is there to support senior management in acheiving the organizational's goals. No organization can succeed without a successful workforce.

I have a bachelors in economics and business management, and a Masters in human resource management. HR does deal with many aspects surrounding employment law, and an education in this aspect is definitely beneficial, however I don't think a degree in HRM is required to suceed in the field. On the job experience is huge.

It also depends on where in HR you want to work. Many people who work in Labor Relations, have law degrees, or degrees specifically in industrial labor relations. Many people who enjoy training have degrees in I/O Psych. I have encountered many compensation specialists who have degrees in economics. However there are also schools that offer certificate courses (not a degree) in HR so that one can learn the fundamentals. There are many options out there.

I know a lot of friends who are looking to get into the HR field right now are seeing average starting salaries for HR Assistant's in the area of $35k. Once you have some experience in the field, and can move up to a specialist or generalist type of position, the pay increases significantly.

Feel free to fm with any more specific questions.

Posted 1/24/06 11:45 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Human Resources People - Question

I know you moved to Nassau - Farmingdale State has a BA degree program called "Professional Communications" - you can choose an artistic concentration, business concentration, etc.

The program seems very interesting - I'm considering it myself. If you have excellent business communication skills, you should excel at just about any "business-related" job, right?

Posted 1/24/06 11:47 AM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Human Resources People - Question

Posted by DjPiLL

(and if not too personal).... How are the salaries in the field starting out (I guess as a HR Associate).


starting pay at my old job for HR Mgr was $65K (private sector)

HR Associate was around $38K

Posted 1/24/06 11:51 AM

designer mutt

Member since 5/05

4239 total posts




Message edited 10/4/2006 10:43:28 PM.

Posted 1/24/06 11:51 AM


Member since 5/05

3664 total posts


Re: Human Resources People - Question

My wife saw a couple of open positions in Human Resources at her company so she was considering switching departments.

Thanks for the replies.

Posted 1/24/06 12:57 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Human Resources People - Question

Posted by Shorty

I know you moved to Nassau - Farmingdale State has a BA degree program called "Professional Communications" - you can choose an artistic concentration, business concentration, etc.

The program seems very interesting - I'm considering it myself. If you have excellent business communication skills, you should excel at just about any "business-related" job, right?

Nic, are you transferring again!? Chat Icon

I have a master's in HR, but didn't wind up working it in because the starting salaries were about $30,000 for generalist positions, and I couldn't take the pay cut. The jobs I were applying for all required a bachelor's, some a master's.

Posted 1/24/06 1:57 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Human Resources People - Question

Posted by nov04libride

Nic, are you transferring again!? Chat Icon


I can't do what I want at SB Chat Icon

Posted 1/24/06 1:58 PM

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