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dizziness and heart palpitations

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My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


dizziness and heart palpitations

i have been having heart palpitations on and off for a few days and then today i woke up and i feel sooo dizzy--totally not what i need right now bein g i have had vertigo 2 times in the past yr and 3 sinus infections :(

Posted 9/7/06 9:20 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Don't Worry...Be Happy

Member since 5/06

6261 total posts


Re: dizziness and heart palpitations

maybe its anxiety

I hope you feel betterChat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 9:25 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: dizziness and heart palpitations

The sinus infection can be a part of it. Especially if there is pressure build-up. I have this problem for 3 friggin years and they are still just *speculating* about what the cause could be.

Here are a list of the things the doctors have checked for:
1st, they checked to make sure I was not PG;
then they ran tests to check my heart, gall bladder, liver, kidneys, they did a brain scan, brain MRI, an EEG to read brain waves (to make sure I was not having seizures or excess fluid on my brain). They checked my thyroid, which does show signs of slowing, but not to the point where meds are recommended, and they confirmed also that I have low-grade anemia. I take iron daily for this. Everything else came back negative. They even evaluated me for stress (which they do think that my sever road rage may be a contributing factor) and for anxiety disorders, and they concluded that there was no evidence other than the road rage.

I have cut out sugars, caffeine & eat whole organic foods whenever possible. This, more than anything else has helped me to feel better. I also go for routine detoxing & colonics to support my other natural therapies.

Hope you feel better soon!Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 9:29 AM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: dizziness and heart palpitations

thanks girls, a part of me feels like its anxiety, yet i think something is perhaps wrong with my ear which would explain the dizziness-now the heart palpitations-- i dont kno whats going on with that..sighChat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 9:43 AM

Don't Worry...Be Happy

Member since 5/06

6261 total posts


Re: dizziness and heart palpitations

Posted by muchinluvmichi

thanks girls, a part of me feels like its anxiety, yet i think something is perhaps wrong with my ear which would explain the dizziness-now the heart palpitations-- i dont kno whats going on with that..sighChat Icon

you should go to the will make you feel better even if it there's nothing wrone.

just for a peace of mind.Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 10:17 AM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

8703 total posts


Re: dizziness and heart palpitations

It could be an ear infection or anxiety. I would reccommend going to your regular doctor and s/he can refer you to an ENT.

Posted 9/7/06 10:25 AM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: dizziness and heart palpitations

Feel better Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 10:55 AM


Member since 1/06

1671 total posts


Re: dizziness and heart palpitations

Sounds like anxiety, hope you get well soon and if it continues you may want to see your doctor so they can perscribe a medication which can control it.

Hang in there, I suffer from them too and know exactly how you feel Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/06 12:15 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: dizziness and heart palpitations

Chat Icon you know I understand ALL too well about being dizzy alo the time, and that awful feeling of vertigo... it's the worst Chat Icon So I feel for you and hope this is just a temporary thing Chat Icon

Feel better!Chat Icon

Message edited 9/7/2006 12:21:30 PM.

Posted 9/7/06 12:21 PM

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