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? for parents with children who talk already..

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


? for parents with children who talk already..

My son is two and a half and talks pretty good... a lot to me and daddy, and g-ma & g-pa, but we have problems getting him to talk infront of visitors, or anybody besides us... We try to have him talk on the phone to his other g-pa up in NY, and occasionally he mumbles a little something, but most of the time, he just sits quietly on the phone.. After we take it awa, he gets upset, and starts calling his g-pas name and tries to take the phone back.. If we give it back.. he just sits quiet...

Yet today (Iam not feeling too well,so) we are watching TV and Dora comes on, and he starts talking back to Dora.. now the male version of Dora, Diego (i think) is on, and hes talking soo much back to the TV..

Is this normal-- to be shy- (for lack of a better phrase) on the phone and overly verbal to fake people? (I feel like that sounds so crazy..) I need some imput... Thanks..

Posted 9/27/05 1:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05

2048 total posts


Re: ? for parents with children who talk already..

I hope so b/c my 2 1/2 year old son is exactly the same way!!!

They talk to people they see often and are comfortable around. He probably watches dora every day or often that he "knows" her.
My son does the same with blues clues.

He will only talk to me, my husband, our parents, and our brothers and sisters who he is around often.

If it is someone he dosen't see often, when they first come over he wont really talk with them. But if they make the effort to get on the floor and play with him, or spend a few hours with us he warms up.

He will never even say hello or goodbye to strangers in the store.. He looks at them like they have 6 heads and keeps walkingChat Icon

Posted 9/27/05 2:20 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: ? for parents with children who talk already..

My son was exactly like that in the beginning. He would talk for us but not in front of the doctors. He was really ahead of the game (verbal was 99.9%) at 15mos. We would bring him to the doctor. The doctor would say "Does he say any words?" We would say the words he says and he would try to coax him into saying something asking him what the Disney pictures on the wall said. Finally the doctor went out of the room and my son said "Look Mickey Mouse!" "and Donald Duck and Goofy..." Doctor came back in chewing gum and he said nothing. He just blew a bubble. Joseph "Look, Mommy - bubble"

They become like Michigan J. Frog. They only perform for you.

Posted 9/27/05 2:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: ? for parents with children who talk already..

PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was going crazy.. my nieces were talking to EVERYONE at this stage... You couldnt have explained it better by referring to Michigan J Frog!!!! LOL Chat Icon

Thanks ladies for the reassurance!!

Posted 9/27/05 3:03 PM

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