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Another Japanese Straightening Question

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Pookie Love

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Another Japanese Straightening Question

If my hair is cut in layers and I get my hair straightened, are the layers just going to hang? My hair really isn't going to have any body, right?Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 9:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

Good question.

Posted 5/16/06 9:51 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

I don't think it will have much body. The layers will probably mesh in with the longer hair and appear to be one length. That's what my hair looks like when I flat iron it.

Posted 5/16/06 9:53 PM

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

Thats what I'm worried about, I dont want my hair to look flat and dull, I like to have some body to my hair. I also have layers in the front of my hair and I'm guessing they will look very flat if I was to do that. Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 9:53 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

I blow my hair straight and I can do it really quickly (literally 5 minutes) but it would be nice to get rid of the frizz that comes along this time of year!!Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 9:55 PM

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

Posted by mrswask

I blow my hair straight and I can do it really quickly (literally 5 minutes) but it would be nice to get rid of the frizz that comes along this time of year!!Chat Icon

I know I get that frizz too in the summer, and I was thinking about doing it, but I'm scared of how it will look, and my hair dresser said since I highlight my hair I shouldn't do it cause my hair will brake off. I think I'm just going to stick to blow drying it myself, and just tying it up in frizzy weather. Chat Icon

Posted 5/16/06 9:59 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

Forget it -- you just get frizz in the summer? My middle name should be Frizz or Coconut Head or something. I am constantly Coconut-o-fied. I'm so tempted.

Posted 5/16/06 10:01 PM

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

Posted by mrswask

If my hair is cut in layers and I get my hair straightened, are the layers just going to hang? My hair really isn't going to have any body, right?Chat Icon

I have layers in the front too. THe first 72 hours my hair was pin straight. I was just able to wash it today for the first time so I let it airdry and when it was damp, I took my big round brush and blow dried the ends to form the layers. Am I making sense? The layers and bounce held all night tonight.

I for one hate my hair stick straight, I like having "Victoria Secret model's hair" so last time I had it done, I blow dryed the ends to form the layers or put curlers on to have big soft curls all over. It holds on my hair after being Japanese Straightened. But again, I do have a lot and very thick hair so any curl usually holds.

Having no frizz and flyaways is the best of it all.

Posted 5/17/06 12:35 AM

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

Posted by Susan

Forget it -- you just get frizz in the summer? My middle name should be Frizz or Coconut Head or something. I am constantly Coconut-o-fied. I'm so tempted.

Me too. But since the jhs... all I can say is what is frizz??

Posted 5/17/06 8:28 AM

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

my layers don't just hang

my hair was flat for the first 72 hours- but then once I washed it- it had alot more body

now I let it air dry - then touch it up with a flat iron in the morning- I think it has a lot of body- but most importantly it is not affected by weather

Posted 5/17/06 8:57 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

Takes a few washings to get the body back...but Michal, if it only take you 5 minutes to dry your hair straight, I don't think you really need it!

I have long barely there layers so mine blend in very easily. I haven't tried curling them up yet, but I'm dying to, just been lazy.

I have yet another question - has anyone dyed their hair lighter since getting the straightening done?

I dyed my hair black before getting it done and now I want to lighten it for the summer but I'm worried about damage. It's been about 2 months since I had it done.

Posted 5/17/06 9:12 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

I was wondering the same types of questions. My hair also doesn't take that long to straighten, but even when I get it perfect, one minute out in the heat & humidity and I might not have even bothered.Chat Icon

Also, for anyone who's done it and let it grow all out - if anyone bad is that? I am just wondering b/c if I ever wanted to go back to curly, I'm curious what it would do. If you let it grow out, can you just blow the part that is growing in and it works like before? Or does it change your hair completely? Chat Icon

Posted 5/17/06 9:32 AM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Another Japanese Straightening Question

Posted by BabyAvocado


I have yet another question - has anyone dyed their hair lighter since getting the straightening done?

I used to high light my hair and had it done after I got my hair straighted- I should be fine- but be honest with the hair colorist

Posted 5/17/06 9:40 AM

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