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Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

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Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

Which will you be using (if any) and why?
I am really torn on which way to go on this one.

Posted 5/22/06 9:26 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

we will have the co-sleeper and pack-n-play. a colleague at work was selling her unused co-sleeper at 1/2 price so i snagged it. i plan to use this in our room early on before i make the transition to the crib.

the pack-n-play we are getting as a gift and will probably set up downstairs in the living room. a friend of mine used the pack-n-play for sleeping and changing when she was downstairs, and i figured that was a good idea...

Message edited 5/22/2006 9:32:58 AM.

Posted 5/22/06 9:32 AM

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

We have a crib in DD bedroom downstairs for naps. We have a bassinet in our bedroom for the nighttime/overnight.

ETA: We have a pack & play for when we visit with family.

Message edited 5/22/2006 9:51:27 AM.

Posted 5/22/06 9:32 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

i am using my SIL bassinet for the first 3 months then moving baby to crib. My mom will have the pack-n-play at her house for babysitting purpose or when i go visit.

Posted 5/22/06 9:39 AM

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

We are going with the pack-n-play which we will set up in our room until we transition the baby to the crib. Then...we will move the pack-n-play to our basement for when we are down there, since we hang out down there alot.

I really loved the many cute ones. But practicality took over the cuteness factor, because I realized that I wouldn't get much use out of the basinette, but I could use the pack-n-play for alot longer.

Posted 5/22/06 9:44 AM


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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

we're using the graco travel lite - its a smaller version of a pack n play, that has a bassinet on top. I figure we can use it in our room for the first few weeks/months, then downstairs for naps, and take it with us on trips as a portable crib...

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Posted 5/22/06 9:50 AM

My 3 Miracles!

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

We used a pack-n-play. I wasn't comfortable with the whole bassinet thing mainly because we have to big Siberian Huskies and God forbid they knock the bassinet over. The bassinet was too little and I don't like the rocking feature with dogs. Too nerve wracking for me! We'll use the pack-n-play again with the next baby!

Posted 5/22/06 9:52 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

Pack N Play.

You can use it later on at the beach, park, backyard, if you go out and need a place for him to nap, and for us it has been a Godsend with Hurricane Evacuations.

Posted 5/22/06 9:56 AM

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

I am not sure yet. At first I thought a co-sleeper for the side of our bed. But now I am rethinking that because we have a small room and I won't be able to lug the co-sleeper from my room to the living room every day (the room is situated strangeley) then back to the bedroom at night. And, the apartment is not big enough for both.

so, I may just go with the basinette so that I can take the top off and transport that to the room that I am in. I'm undecided.

Posted 5/22/06 10:04 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

We will have a pack n play on the 1st floor, in the basement another pack n play, and in our room a co-sleeper. Then he also has his cribChat Icon

Dh is still confused on why we need so many beds for himChat Icon

Posted 5/22/06 10:32 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

I have a co-sleeper that I used for Damien and will use for this baby too. If you get a co-sleeper you don't need a pack & play too, they do the same thing. If you plan on BF'd they I really recommend the co-sleeperChat Icon

Posted 5/22/06 10:35 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

We started out with a pack n' play in our room while Alex was just a few weeks old. But, she was so noisy that we had to move her to her own crib and room within about 3 weeks. At that time I brought the pack n' play downstairs, but I rarely used it. Instead, we bought a portable bassinet that I could carry all over the house with me, so if she fell asleep I wasn't chained to that room for the entire nap. Whenever we went to a friend's house we brought the portable bassinet, which was easy to carry because it was small. Now that she outgrew the bassinet, I bring the pack n' play to wherever we go overnight. So, for us, both worked out well...

Posted 5/22/06 10:36 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

I plan on putting the baby in his crib right away at night, in his bedroom upstairs. We have a pack n play for downstairs.

Posted 5/22/06 10:59 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

A pack and play - the double one. Then I can use it for them for awhile after, where the bassinet I would have only used for the first 3 mos. when they're in our room.

Posted 5/22/06 11:16 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

We put Sarah to bed in the crib in her room (right next to ours) from day 1. We really didn't have the room in our room for a basinet or pack n play, plus we wanted her to get used to the crib right away.

We had a Pack N Play in our family room that we used for naps until she was about 2 months old since I didn't want to be up and down the stairs so much. Then we started doing naps in the crib as well.

We plan on doing the same for the new baby. Sarah has already moved into her new room and new crib with no problems (Thank goodness!)

Posted 5/22/06 11:21 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

they have a pack -n-play for we are using that instead of 2 bassinets

Posted 5/22/06 1:26 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

Message edited 5/22/2006 4:09:35 PM.

Posted 5/22/06 1:26 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

We have a bassinet and my mom has the pack and play next door at her house...

Posted 5/22/06 2:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

i have the pnp downstairs, and a bassinet in our bedroom.

if i only had one level housem i would only do the pnp and wheel it in/out of my bedroom. i do wish thoughi got the co sleeper, DD will NOT sleep for very long in her bassinet at night cause she needs to be close to her mom & dad

Posted 5/22/06 2:50 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

We bought a bassinet and our daughter was in it till about a month and a half. I liked the thought of having her close for the first weeks of her life - it also made breastfeeding a bit easier in the beginning....

We also have a pack-n-play that we put downstairs (since our house is 2 floors) - i use it as a changing table and I also put pjs, undershirts etc in it - so i dont have to keep coming upstairs every time I have to change her - its been so convenient for me.

Posted 5/22/06 2:52 PM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

I am going to use a bassinet in our bedroom, and have the pack and play downstairs in the den. I have a 4 level split, so I kind of want something on each level.

Posted 5/22/06 3:15 PM

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Member since 6/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

we also have a four level split. we're using the pack-n-play (bassinet part) in our room for the first few months, then we'll move him/her to the crib in the room next to ours. i'm not planning on having anything else on the other floors. we'll see how that works out!

Posted 5/22/06 4:58 PM

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

Posted by dandr10199

We have a crib in DD bedroom downstairs for naps. We have a bassinet in our bedroom for the nighttime/overnight.

ETA: We have a pack & play for when we visit with family.

We're doing the same thing.

Posted 5/22/06 6:44 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: Bassinet vs. co-sleeper vs. pack-n-play

Posted by DebG

Which will you be using (if any) and why?
I am really torn on which way to go on this one.

We have all 3.
She sleeps in th bassinet most nights but when she is really fussy we have a co-sleeper that goes IN the bed with us - inbetween me and DH. Which seems to calm her down and makes it easier for me to keep popping the pacifier back in her mouth when it falls out. We also have a pack n play and she doesnt seem to like that one at all just yet - I think its just too big for her, she likes to feel enclosed and secure.

Side note: as far as the enclosed/secure thing goes...she doesnt like the Fisher Price Aquarium bouncy seat but she DOES like the baby papasan chair a lot and I think its becuase the chair conforms more to her body and makes her feel "held"

Attached are pics of our bassinet ( with pink and blue ribbons) and also the 'inclined to sleep' mat that I bought at BRU. Also attached is a pic of our co-sleeper, from BRU.

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 5/22/06 9:16 PM

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