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Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!...UPDATE!!!!!THIS ONE IS GOOD!

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Member since 5/05

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Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!...UPDATE!!!!!THIS ONE IS GOOD!

Well, it been about 8 months since my grandfather passed away and my family finally came today to start to clear out his things. I live on the second floor. So just to give you a little background, my grandfather had 3 mom and 2 aunts. When my grandfather was still here my mom and step dad pretty much did everything for him with the exception of one aunt....the other was nonexistant and couldn't be bothered (she has 2 kids which will come into play later). So today they come and they are dividing some jewlery that was left....and the nonexistant aunt says well my daughter has I want this ring for her....So my sister and I said well that really isn't fair because we are 28 and 26 and have nothing of our grandparents why should she (her daughter who is 8) have something and we shouldn' both of my aunts team up with each other and totally bawl my sister and I out saying that we are ungrateful because we've had all of these years with my grandparents and she hasn't so she should get something are the two things related.....Yes...we did have all that time with them thats why I should have a keepsake.....and how the hell does that make me ungrateful? And why the hell is it my fault that you decided to have kids 20 years after I was born........I just don't understand the logic. Well needless to say, it was a full blown war here today.....and I am just so angry about so many things and very hurt about the way I was treated. Am i wrong here??? Sorry for the vent but I just can't get this out of my mind and its making me nuts!

Ok so they came back this past Sunday and now they want to raise my rent another $600 because as they stated," My grandfather is gone now and they are the owners of the house" or of course we can look for another apt in the winter with our 7 week old daughter! Ehhh...please pray we find a house soon!!! If they want to be spiteful thats fine.....I can be too...and boy will I take great pleasure out of taking all the rugs and light fixtures with me since we put them all in!

Message edited 11/1/2005 12:03:57 AM.

Posted 10/23/05 8:38 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!

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You are not wrong! I will most likely be in the same boat in the future.
My dads brother took off about 20 years ago, 3,000 miles away! We see him once a year and hardly ever see my cousins. My grandmother STILL sends them gifts for their bday, anniversary, whichever. Does she get a TY..NOPE!!!
When the time comes, I tell dh, my cousins better not show up for a "handout"! It will def. be a war. They cant be bothered with anyone, and I think over the past few months, gram has realized that!
OK, TY for the vent!
You are not wrong!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/23/05 8:45 PM

Love her so much <3

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!

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Posted 10/23/05 9:21 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!

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Posted 10/23/05 9:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!

It's so sad that you're going through this..... It's a shame some family members show their true colors when it's time to take care of belonging of a deceased family member. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/23/05 10:22 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!

I am so sorry you have to deal with these two Aunts. Especially the non existent one Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/05 7:58 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!

i had the same situation in my family.....and i dont blame you one bit.......

Posted 10/25/05 11:21 AM


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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!

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Posted 10/25/05 1:33 PM

True love

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!

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Posted 10/29/05 8:18 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!...UPDATE!!!!!THIS ONE IS GOOD!

I am sorry your going through this I know this is going to happen in my famly whe n my grandmother passes away Its going to be the family against my uncle and his wife who are greedy but never come to anything

Posted 11/1/05 4:03 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!...UPDATE!!!!!THIS ONE IS GOOD!

I have a question about this - has his will been read? Has the deed been changed? Right now the owner is your grandfather's estate, not them.

Pay your regular rent. They're lucky you're even willing to do that...

Posted 11/6/05 9:50 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!...UPDATE!!!!!THIS ONE IS GOOD!

This happens to families all the time and it's a shame. The ring I'd try to not get so upset over bc it's a material thing but booting you out of your apt or upping the rent is very sad. Do they plan to increase it right away or will they give you time to move out? I'm sorry you have to go through this. Chat Icon

Posted 11/8/05 11:42 AM

She's my dancing queen!

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Re: Feeling very down tonight....My family SUX!!!...UPDATE!!!!!THIS ONE IS GOOD!

Posted by nrthshgrl

I have a question about this - has his will been read? Has the deed been changed? Right now the owner is your grandfather's estate, not them.

Pay your regular rent. They're lucky you're even willing to do that...

this is a good point! It may not be up to them to raise the rent! Sorry you are going through this!

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Posted 11/11/05 7:41 AM

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