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Spinoff from the Pregnancy Board (of all places)...

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Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Spinoff from the Pregnancy Board (of all places)...

How many days of work have you missed because of IF treatments or IF related problems?

Posted 8/22/06 10:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Spinoff from the Pregnancy Board (of all places)...

Luckily (or unluckily) for me, I am not working at the time. So it has worked out. But, not sure how much longer I could afford in being unemployed.

Posted 8/22/06 11:11 AM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: Spinoff from the Pregnancy Board (of all places)...

I guess I should answer my own question. Chat Icon

I would say that this year alone I've missed between 6-8 days for IF related issues.

Whether it was a scheduling issue with my RE, or just feeling crappy from the drugs or procedures.

Posted 8/22/06 11:23 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Spinoff from the Pregnancy Board (of all places)...

This year so far...I'd say about 7 -10 days. With more to come Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/06 11:34 AM

I am Batman!

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I'm Batman, I tell you!

Re: Spinoff from the Pregnancy Board (of all places)...

Luckily I never had to take a day. I was always able to get an appointment after work, or right before lunch so I just modified my lunch time and maybe worked a little later. For sono's and bloodwork I just show up for, I'd get there at 7:30, be out by 8:30 and just add some time onto the end of my day.

Furniture deliveries are another 10 days this year for those idiots....

Message edited 8/22/2006 11:49:25 AM.

Posted 8/22/06 11:48 AM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

2688 total posts


Re: Spinoff from the Pregnancy Board (of all places)...

My office has been super understanding and allows me to work from home when I need to
So far though its probably about 10 days (including this IVF) 3 - 4 from teh surgery, 3 for each IVF

Not to mention the failed IUIs last year

Posted 8/22/06 12:33 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/06

148 total posts


Re: Spinoff from the Pregnancy Board (of all places)...

Probably around 6 days. Quite a few latenesses for monitoring before IVF.

Posted 8/22/06 12:59 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Spinoff from the Pregnancy Board (of all places)...

Six days total. Many of them were half days and I had a couple of procedures done on vacation days. My entire IVF was over the summer.

I was really pi$$ed when I got my annual review. Never before did they ever make reference to how many days I took but at the bottom it says...
"Mrs. X has been absent a total of 6 days for the 2005-2006 school year". They are legally not allowed to qualify that with anything else, according to my union and I spoke to my principal months before about this.

Well... I just got the results of my students' performance on the World History AP Exam...
80% got a score of 3 or better and 65% got a score of 4 guaranteeing them college credit...

That is way ABOVE the national average and I can guarantee you that not one other teacher on my faculty had those results. (YAY ME!!!)

I'm stapling the results to my signed copy of my annual review with a letter explaining my absences and reminding them of my excellent AP resultsChat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/22/2006 1:35:35 PM.

Posted 8/22/06 1:34 PM

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