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Send me a pick-me-up

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spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

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Send me a pick-me-up

I had a sono and blood today - after 4 days of 300 IU follistim and 2 menapur - I only have 2 follocles. I am so miserable, I am totally on the verge or tears as I write this - and I'm on a 10 minute break from an all day offsite for 2007 planning, with 12 other people. I'm not sure how I will hold it together all day

On top of that, we got a birth announcment from people we haven't heard or seen in almost 2 years

Not a good day

Oh, and I had no umbrella

Can the drs increase my meds?

**UPDATE** no update to my meds. increasing my meds won't make more follicles. If I'm lucky there will be one more.

WHY ? I had an FSH of 8.8 and low estrogen?

Message edited 8/15/2006 2:24:43 PM.

Posted 8/15/06 10:13 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Send me a pick-me-up

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The Dr can increase your meds of course, and they likely will, thats not all that high of a dose from what I know.


Just takes ONE good follicle, JUST ONE!

Posted 8/15/06 10:19 AM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: Send me a pick-me-up

Helen -- I know you and I have the same issues - high FSH. After reading about the huge amount of follies the PSOC women on here have produced, we naturally want to have the same results.

But my RE told me from the beginning - with high FSH you do NOT look to make a lot of follies. You can only try to get a few HIGH QUALITY follicles to produce good eggs. If we produced a lot of follies most likely the eggs would be of very poor quality.

So with that being said -- I would ask your RE about his approach and if this is indeed the expected outcome. If it is, he should have told you that from the beginning so you wouldn't be disappointed. As they say, it only takes one. And this may be the only way to produce that one of good enough quality to stick.

I understand how upset you are, I felt the same way when I produced only 2. But we have to try, and have faith, and be positive because what else is there??

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I am praying that these are the 2 good eggs you need!!!

Posted 8/15/06 10:21 AM

Time for me to FLY!

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Send me a pick-me-up

Yes, they can increase your meds...I am usually on 450 plus 2...and I have even been on more with my first RE.

Try not to stress, its still VERY early, and more can pop up.

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Posted 8/15/06 10:21 AM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Send me a pick-me-up

I'm sorry you are having such a lousy day. Chat Icon

Like Kara said, it only takes a couple of good eggs and it's important for them to be the best possible quality.

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Posted 8/15/06 10:27 AM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

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L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: Send me a pick-me-up

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Posted 8/15/06 10:32 AM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

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Re: Send me a pick-me-up

I know that it is stressful but 3 days on the stims really isn't a long time. I stimmed for almost 14 days and I got 5 eggs.

Each person is different and what you want is quality, not quantity! I was speaking with some one yesterday and she said her problem was that she produced 30-40 eggs, but none of them ever surivived to transfer. That tells me that her eggs were not a high enough quality!

Sending you many Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 10:35 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

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Re: Send me a pick-me-up

Helen - I have no advise just Hugs

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Posted 8/15/06 10:47 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Send me a pick-me-up

I am sorry. Chat Icon It seems like you are being kicked when you are already down.Chat Icon

As Kara said you really have to pray for the quality of the follies. I know it's hard but just because someone has 10 or more follies does not mean they are all of great quality. I've heard of cases of ladies who produce A LOT but then the RE says there are really only one, two or three quality ones.

Do not look at that announcement again.... it can wait til another day.

Do only what you can do for youself today.
One day at a timeChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Message edited 8/15/2006 10:59:19 AM.

Posted 8/15/06 10:58 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Send me a pick-me-up

Yes, they should increase your meds. Also...You are only on day 4...many people stim for longer than a week. I think I stimmed for 7-8 days before my trigger and retievelChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/06 11:01 AM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

2688 total posts


Re: Send me a pick-me-up

thanks every - I guess I'm so upset because the Dr a) initially told me he was going for 20 + and b) seemed genuinely surprised I only had 2 today

Posted 8/15/06 12:48 PM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

2688 total posts


Re: Send me a pick-me-up

I updated the first post - why am I responding so poorly? I did better on Clomid ...

Posted 8/15/06 2:28 PM

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Re: Send me a pick-me-up

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Posted 8/15/06 2:54 PM

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