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feeling so blah the past few weeks

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


feeling so blah the past few weeks

I feel so BLAH lately. I should be enjoying my summer and i have TONS of things i plannd on doing like going to the gym on a reg basis, scrapbooking, finishing touches on lesson plans so i dont have to them during ther year and i dont want to do any of it. Today I am goign to meet my BF for lunch in teh city downtown and i dont want to go. Not that i dont want to see her i ust dread teh traveling( and im in queens not LI). I hope i get out of this soon. I dont know if it has to to with TTC or not. What helps you girls get out of a slump like this? I feel like teh summer is flyign by and i am not doing a thing? I nvere used to sleep after my Dh left the house when i was off and he wasnt and the last few weeks i'll wake up and then fall back sleep til 8 or 10 but i got o bed like 11 so i am sleeping A LONG Time i never used to sleep this much.

Any ideas?

Posted 7/13/05 10:00 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Fall Is Here

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12023 total posts


Re: feeling so blah the past few weeks

know the feeling. I was feeling liek that about a month ago. I read an article about Anemia and it described much of these symptoms. Sleepiness, restless, feeling sad or moddy and being cold all the time. So I went to Dr. and he did blood work but everythign came back fine Chat Icon Hope you feel better soon!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/05 10:03 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

158 total posts


Re: feeling so blah the past few weeks

Message edited 10/10/2005 12:44:02 PM.

Posted 7/13/05 10:54 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: feeling so blah the past few weeks

Noel, you may not even realize conciously but the TTC stuff can really take its toll on you after a few months of doing the charting, etc.. it does often cause you to become very preoccupied and neglect the other things in your life.. I know from experiece as do all the other ladies who have been trying for some time..

I am not off during the week BUT I do feel the same way on the weekends.. very unmotivated to do things, wishing sometimes I could just chill out and not go anywhere, etc.. and that is really SO unlike me too.. I usually have so much energy and lately I am lazy as lazy gets..

I'm sure when you are ready you will snap out of this .. it happens to all of us sometimes! Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/05 11:00 AM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: feeling so blah the past few weeks

Just wanted to give you some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/05 11:01 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: feeling so blah the past few weeks

Posted by Moehick
Just wanted to give you some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Same here! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/05 11:02 AM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: feeling so blah the past few weeks

Thanks everyoneChat Icon

Posted 7/13/05 2:44 PM

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