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To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

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is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

did they ever find a new home?

Posted 8/15/06 12:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

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Re: To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

When I was 4. and my brother was born, we had to give up our Cocker Spaniel, Taffy. Even though I was so young I was devastated & I remember my mother crying over it. My brother was born with very severe bronchial asthma, and could not handle being in the same house as a dander-producing pet. Luckily my mother bought Taffy from a reputable breeder, who found Taffy a new home. They lived somewhat close to us, and every once and a while we'd see him being walked near the local beach, or in the car with his new family.

Posted 8/15/06 12:38 PM


Member since 1/06

9758 total posts


Re: To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

When I was little my Mom brought home a dog (large black beast if I recall) from a shelter. She was just too much dog for us. A total maniac. Ate everything, tore up the yard. My Mom had a friend that had a very large piece of property where she could run so thats where she went.

There was another shelter dog that my parents got that just would not be housebroken. I don't remember all the problems with her but we didn't have her very long, they brought her back to the shelter.

Posted 8/15/06 12:42 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

My neighbor's lab/pit mix attacked his 6-month-old baby.

They gave the dog to a family in Old Brookville, and visit him from time to time.

Nuff said.

Posted 8/15/06 1:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

313 total posts


Re: To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

I am very much an animal lover and do feel that they are members of the family. While I could not imagine ever giving up our dog - I do have a thought provoking story...

Years ago, a family member of mine got a dog. He was gone for most of the day and night working and the dog was miserable. Absolutely miserable. The poor thing would howl mournfully for hours on end every time his owner left. It was so heart breaking. He was not getting the attention he needed and deserved a better life. Finally, after too many years, this sweet, attention starved dog went to a new home with a house full of life and love - a stay at home mom, kids, and even another dog to play with. The dog has never been happier.

So, my question is - was it wrong for my family member to find another home for his dog?

In my opinion, and in this particular case - #1 his first mistake was adopting the dog in the first place. Adopting an animal is a decision that should be thought through very carefully, and taken very seriously. If that had been done, my family member would have realized that he did not have the time to own and care for a dog, and would not have gotten one in the first place. And mistake #2 was waiting for so long to realize his first mistake and find the dog a proper home.

To me, having a four legged family member is a committment (that is wonderful and rewarding in so many ways). But, if circumstances arise that absolutely can not be worked around (as in, every avenue has been explored), and the owner is not capable of providing their pet with proper care, and the pet is suffering as a result - then, I feel that they owe it to their pet to find them a suitable home.

Posted 8/15/06 3:03 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

Lilly I think you bring up a very good point. If the dog is suffering then who is a good pet owner, the one who finds a better life or the one whop keeps a dog regardless of its quality of life?

I know it is hard for many of us to imagine this scenario, as we are good owners in that our dogs our tremendous amounts of time, love attention and are spoiled.

Posted 8/15/06 3:07 PM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

9129 total posts


Re: To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

I used to volunteer at a shelter in Islip. One day a father & son brought their Golden in.

I watched the father & son leave and then sit down on the curb and they both started crying. Within 10 minutes they were back inside and took the dog back.

I don't know what provoked them to bring their dog in or what moved them to go back and leave with him...but it was a very touching scene and I'm glad, in the end, the dog went back home.

Posted 8/15/06 3:08 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

LMAO i meant those that come on here with their "i dont have time for my dogs" stories... like the girl with the two boxers, etc. just curious what ever happened with them

Posted 8/15/06 9:14 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

Posted by Lolita4Life

LMAO i meant those that come on here with their "i dont have time for my dogs" stories... like the girl with the two boxers, etc. just curious what ever happened with them

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon That's what I thought you meant - then when I read these posts I thought I was wrong.

Posted 8/15/06 9:16 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: To All The PPL in the past who needed to get rid of their dogs.....

Posted by Lolita4Life

LMAO i meant those that come on here with their "i dont have time for my dogs" stories... like the girl with the two boxers, etc. just curious what ever happened with them

OOH, well then forget it!Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 1:01 PM

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