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Where does your baby take naps?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Where does your baby take naps?

Should nap time be in the dark or with lights on? In same place they go to sleep at night or should there be variety? Sidnbey is turning into a cat napper and I think she should be taking longer naps (i think Chat Icon )

Posted 9/26/05 10:23 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

In the light in his crib.

Posted 9/26/05 10:31 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

marissa will fall asleep on the living room fall while watching her cartoons or she might just curl up with dad on the couch and drink her juice and fall asleep

when she was younger I would put her in her swing or put her in her bouncey seat and her bassinet

Posted 9/26/05 10:47 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

Always in the crib.

Posted 9/26/05 10:48 AM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

Posted by ddunne2

Always in the crib.

I always put Gianna in the crib also

Posted 9/26/05 11:00 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

Usually where ever he falls asleep is where he stays. Couch, bouncer or swing. I tried to put him in for a nap in his crib but he doesn't like it...

Posted 9/26/05 11:12 AM

Dad of Twins

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

The twins fall asleep just about everywhere - light/dark, silent and loud areas too.

Posted 9/26/05 11:16 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

In the very beginning it was his carseat, then under his activity gym or while watching his mobile.

I'd say since about 6 months old its been only his crib. He'll lay down on the floor or couch and I think he will just fall asleep but then he gets cranky and wants to go to his crib.

Posted 9/26/05 12:19 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

Posted by Stefanie

Usually where ever he falls asleep is where he stays. Couch, bouncer or swing. I tried to put him in for a nap in his crib but he doesn't like it...

Same here. I try not to move him and disturb him once he's fallen asleep (unless it's time for bed). The couple times I've tried putting him in his crib for a nap, he's absolutely freaked out.

Posted 9/26/05 1:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

Sarah naps in her crib. When she first wakes up in the morning I'll bring her into my bed for the first bottle and she might take a cat nap in there, but she seems to prefer her crib.

Posted 9/26/05 1:36 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Where does your baby take naps?

Cassidy naps in her crib as well.

Posted 9/26/05 1:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Where does your baby take naps?

And for how long do they nap for??
Sidney usually only naps for about 20 minutes but since i put her in her bed earlier she slept for almost an hour Chat Icon

Posted 9/26/05 1:44 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

We do the whole Eat, Play, Nap technique.

He naps in his crib with the blinds open and the door open as well.

He is up by 6am and naps at 10ish till 11ish and then 1 till 2:30... then he is up for the rest of the night except he might sneak a 15 minute cat nap on his activity gym around 5pm and is asleep and back in his crib (lights off, blinds shut) by 7pm

Posted 9/26/05 1:47 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Where does your baby take naps?

He naps wherever he happens to be - swing, carseat, our bed (only if I'm there with him) or his stroller fully reclined.

He has a pretty regular nap schedule so I know when he's ready to go down. So if he already slept in his swing once that day, I will move him somewhere else to nap.

Posted 9/26/05 9:23 PM

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