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8-12 month olds feeding schedule

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my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


8-12 month olds feeding schedule

I know we do this every so often and there are several of ours in this age group.

So what are your cuties eating? Antonio is 9 months and Ifeel like he is not eating enough during the day because he has started waking up for another bottle at night STARVING!

I don't know where to add more food...Chat Icon

6am 6oz bottle
10am 4-5 tablespoons cereal with 1/2 fruit
2pm -4oz jar
3:30pm-6oz bottle
6:00pm 4oz jar
8:00 pm 6-8oz bottle
12am (midnight) 6 oz bottle

Posted 6/8/06 2:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 8-12 month olds feeding schedule

Well right now Jake's feeding schedule is all out of wack because he is teething and just getting over being sick, but normally it's very similar to Antonio's and I also felt that he wasn't eating enough. Now I WISH he was eating what he used to! Chat Icon Anyway it goes like this:

6:30am - 3 tbl cereal + 2oz fruit (or a YoBaby) + 4oz bottle

10:30am - 8oz bottle

2:30pm - YoBaby or 4oz jar veggie + 7oz bottle

6:30pm - 4oz jar meat w/veggie + 1oz or so fruit on occasion (we were working up to 6oz) + 8oz bottle.

Posted 6/8/06 2:43 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: 8-12 month olds feeding schedule

My boys schedule is:

8:30 7 oz bottle
followed by 2 of the following 3: Cereal / yogurt ( 1/2 a container of yobaby) / fruit ( 2 cubes of fruit, or 2 oz of jarred fruit)

12:30 7 oz bottle
followed by 2 of the 4 cereal / fruit / veggie /yogurt

5:00 7 oz bottle
same food as lunch

8:00 7 oz bottle

I have not started them on meat yet and they have eaten egg yolk, but did not like it.

I also offer a bunch of puffs or some finger food at most meals too.

Posted 6/8/06 3:03 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: 8-12 month olds feeding schedule

Ryab is 8.5 months and our feeding sched goes like this...

6- 8oz bottle
6:30 3-4 tblspns of barley and a whole jar of fruit

10- 8oz bottle
12- veg jar (and sometimes a half jar of fruit

2- 8oz bottle

5- 3-4tblspns of barley and a jar of fruit, and a dinner jar (meat and veg combo)

6:30- 8oz bottle

Posted 6/8/06 3:25 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: 8-12 month olds feeding schedule

Joseph has started eating like a horse but his nursing is erratic now... generally his schedule is like this

6AM - wakes, nurses
7AM - puffs (loves 'em!)
8AM - nurses
9:30 - 1 jar of oatmeal and pears w/ cinnimon and usually an egg yolk or some pieces of waffles
12 - nurses
2 - 1/2 (or full) jar veggies w/ 6tblspns oatmeal and whatever finger foods - baked potato or fries or some turkey or american cheese
5 - nurses
6-7PM - 10-11 tblspns oatmealChat Icon and some of whatever we're having for dinner (very little - he's usually stuffed from his dinner)

then I nurse him when I go to bed usually 9-10. But on any given day his BM intake could be less. Solids are always the same.

Posted 6/8/06 3:31 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: 8-12 month olds feeding schedule

These times are all approx.....he gets up anywhere between 6:30-8 so I adjust the rest....

-Wake / BF
-Between 8-9 cereal (not sure how much, I just pour it in) with 1/2 jar fruit or yogart
-About 11or12 BF
-About 2 or so 1/2 jar fruit 1/2 veggie (or yogart if not for breakfast, cottage cheese, avacado..)
-About 4-5 BF
-About 6 - 6:30 Rice cereal, 1/2 jar veggie and some stage 2 meat dinner.
-8:30 or so BF

In between these feedings I give him some american cheese, banana (or other fruit), cherrios or puffs.

My guys a little guy and I'm trying to help him catch up!

ETA: He is 9 months

Message edited 6/8/2006 4:33:25 PM.

Posted 6/8/06 4:32 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: 8-12 month olds feeding schedule

Katherine is 9 months...

8:30--2-3 tbsp cereal + 1 box (jar) fruit

9:30--5 oz bottle

12:30--1 jar meat/veggie combo + 1 YoBaby

1:30--6-7 oz bottle

5:30--1 jar veggies + jar of fruit

6:30--6 oz bottle

Posted 6/8/06 4:41 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: 8-12 month olds feeding schedule

Hmmmm. I guess I'm the only one who hardly ever uses cereal. She eats everything without it so I hardly mix it in anything anymore.

Posted 6/8/06 5:06 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: 8-12 month olds feeding schedule

Nate is 12 months and is pretty much on table food and whole milk now. His schedule is a little off since he started day care this week.

6 am - 6 oz bottle

8 am - breakfast - waffle, yobaby, bananas, peaches, apples, mini pancakes, toast, eggs, cereal

11 am - 4 oz bottle (sometimes he skips this one)

1 pm - lunch - chicken nuggets, gerber graduates meals, grilled cheese, turkey sandwich and a veggie or fruit

3 pm - 4 oz bottle

6 pm - dinner - whatever I cook for dinner, usually meat and veggie or gerber entrees

7:30 - 6 oz bottle

Message edited 6/8/2006 9:39:40 PM.

Posted 6/8/06 9:39 PM

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