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My sister's friends Mom passed away
luvsbob4603 To a healthy 2013
Member since 5/05
21840 total posts
Name:To a brand new year to a healthier me
Can you please say a prayer for my sister's friend's family she passed away last night from cancer thanks!
Tany Becoming a different woman
24460 total posts
Re: My sister's friends Mom passed away
Janice Sweet Jessie Quinn
27567 total posts
MrsJ I love my Katie Bug
11357 total posts
I'm sorry
GenLCSW Baby # 3 is here!!!
Member since 7/05
21138 total posts
I am so sorry
LadyMaravilla Fall Is Here
12023 total posts
Awww....I'm so sorry to hear that.
MommyofG just the girls
9461 total posts
MrsERod Praying for Everyone.
26170 total posts
Ambersmom Straight up nasty
7740 total posts
Marcie Complete Happiness :)
27789 total posts
Name:LOVE being a Mommy!
You will all be in my prayers
DonnaJoe708 Hello
4002 total posts
Thank you all!this is going to be my secong wake not two weeks apart!
04bride I'm a big sister!!!
6707 total posts
babyhopes LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/05
733 total posts
sorry to hear that
momAGAIN so outrageous
3853 total posts
lvdolphins My Loves!
46292 total posts
OMG im so sorry! Those poor boys. Im so glad your sister brought them to my party! Awwww I feel so bad! Please tell your sis I am very sorry!!
thanks i know those boys must be so upset.I think the wake is properly going to be on wed and thursday.
Message edited 9/19/2005 6:42:51 PM.
Bri I Love You to Pieces!
9919 total posts
BabyAvocado Happy New Year
17334 total posts
skygirl Our prayers were answered:)
Member since 6/05
4919 total posts
Thanks again everyone!
Luvlylady Earned My Bragging Rights!
6141 total posts
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