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introducing formula to BF baby

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Member since 8/05

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introducing formula to BF baby

okay so i probably waited too long to do this and now i'm having problems. DS is almost 5 months and i just tried to get him to take some formula and he refused it. both DH and I tried to give it to him. he didn't even want to suck on the bottle and when he finally did, he actually gagged on it! he has gotten pumped BM in a bottle so the bottle isn't the issue. my ped told me to give him alimentum because we think he is allergic to dairy & soy. that stuff smells nasty!!! i wouldn't want to drink it either. any tips?

Posted 8/7/06 9:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Chase is one!

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Re: introducing formula to BF baby

did you use powdered? the consistency is closer to BM.

Posted 8/7/06 9:44 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: introducing formula to BF baby

yes. the consistency might be the same, but the smell and taste is not! barf!

Posted 8/7/06 9:46 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

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Re: introducing formula to BF baby

when we introduced formula to hannah, we mixed 3/4 bottle with BM and 1/4 with formula and gave her that for 1 week. then the next we did 1/2 and 1/2, and then 1/4 BM and 3/4 formula. my ped said to do it that way and it worked.

Posted 8/7/06 10:13 PM

The Boys!

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Re: introducing formula to BF baby

Posted by HannahsDaddy

when we introduced formula to hannah, we mixed 3/4 bottle with BM and 1/4 with formula and gave her that for 1 week. then the next we did 1/2 and 1/2, and then 1/4 BM and 3/4 formula. my ped said to do it that way and it worked.

This was what I was thinking. Logan in the beginning had some similac, then for about 8 weeks it was almost ebm, then I introduced a bottle a day, then increased the amount of formula bottles as I got closer to weaning. I guess if you did it this way you would have to use rtf? or does the bm count as part of the water amount (water+powder+bm??)

Posted 8/7/06 10:31 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: introducing formula to BF baby

What we did was mix the formula in a separate bottle and do 1oz formula to 3oz. BM and increase from there.

Posted 8/7/06 10:49 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: introducing formula to BF baby

i've thought about mixing the formula with BM, but i just don't have any to spare! i've really been having trouble pumping. i can barely get anything anymore--partly why i want him to drink the damn formula! Chat Icon it would kill me to add formula to my BM and have it get wasted because he won't drink it.

Posted 8/7/06 11:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: introducing formula to BF baby

The baby is having problems with your BM? If you need help with your supply I can help you with pumping and increasing supply.
Does your baby nurse at all?
Oatmeal inceases supply
you may need more water because with this heat your supply could be effected

have you taken feenugeek?

what is your pumping schedule?

I would pump more then mix. The taste of formula is VERY different than BM. Not all babies will do the switch easily.

Posted 8/7/06 11:30 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: introducing formula to BF baby

Some formulas just have a nasty smell. I can't imagine the taste Chat Icon My DD didn't love the switch from BM to Similac. It didn't agree with her stomach either. Good Start has a sweeter smell and she loved it. Its finding the right formula that is key........Good Luck Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/06 11:40 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: introducing formula to BF baby

It took me weeks to get Noah to have formula from EBM, he finally decided it was okay and is now on formula...

I did what others are suggesting, mixed the formula and BM until it was mostly all formula, that way when the time came he didn't know the difference because it tasted the same as before!

Good luck with it!

Posted 8/8/06 3:06 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: introducing formula to BF baby

Posted by HannahsDaddy

when we introduced formula to hannah, we mixed 3/4 bottle with BM and 1/4 with formula and gave her that for 1 week. then the next we did 1/2 and 1/2, and then 1/4 BM and 3/4 formula. my ped said to do it that way and it worked.

Us too... it worked very well... otherwise, can you try other formulas?

Message edited 8/8/2006 7:08:52 AM.

Posted 8/8/06 7:08 AM

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