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Which are you using

Forum Opinion Poll
Ready to Feed 9 36.00%
Powder 16 64.00%
Concentrated Liquid (add water) 0 0.00%

Ready to Feed or Powder

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Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Ready to Feed or Powder

Just wondering what everyone who formula feeds is using. I know the powder is cheaper but the RTF is so much more convenient IMO. I don't know when or if I'll switch.

Anybody never switch (or don't plan to switch) over to powder?

Posted 10/31/05 9:39 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

this is a little bit of a hijack - but can you use RTF and powdered? Or do you have to stick to one or the other?

cause I am thinking for traveling powder would be great - and RTF for night time and home would be the easiest.

Posted 10/31/05 9:42 AM

Family of 5!

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Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

I started as powder...but i was always wondering if it was enough or too i switched to rtf...

Im part of this similac they mail me all these 5 dollars off coupons so...since Im saving some money..Ill splurge and go for the ready to feed!

Posted 10/31/05 9:44 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

I only use RTF and have no intention sto switch. I bought a can of powder once and returned it. RTF works for me - My formula (similac alimentum) is $$$ enough and the savings for powder isn't that much and isn't worth it.

Posted 10/31/05 9:46 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

I switch between the two. I find powder easier because you don't have to warm the bottle, my so cold that i have to warm it a little to get that chill out. I keep the powder by my nightstand and have the bottles ready with the water.

Posted 10/31/05 9:46 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

In the beginning, I only used RTF but now I use both. I use RTF when we are home and powder when we go out. The powder is so much easier when you go out.... no worry about refrigeration or those cold pack things. I fill up the bottles before I leave and put the powder in this 3 part compartment container. Also for the first morning feeding, I have some powder on my night stand and bring up a bottle of water before I go to bed. I love not having to go downstairs for a bottle in the morning.

Message edited 10/31/2005 10:00:21 AM.

Posted 10/31/05 9:58 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

i use the powder. the RTF actually made isabella spit up too much. its weird it was the same brand and type of formula but lots of spit up and PU! it smelt alot worse than regular spit up.

Posted 10/31/05 10:08 AM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

We just switched to powder from RTF. I don't know a big difference. One I have to heat and one I have to mix. The only thing about the powder that makes me nervous is making sure that it's mixed properly. There is no worries with that with the RTF.

Posted 10/31/05 10:51 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

We are using powder. I boil a kettle of water in the morning and then just keep it room temp during the day and I can just mix it up as I need it and no need to have to heat the bottles. Also it is easier for when we go out for more then an hour since I don't mix it till I use it.

Posted 10/31/05 3:17 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

For traveling I think -the RTF cans are great. No need to refridgerate or warm up and it's an 8 oz serving to a can.

Posted 10/31/05 4:37 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

Posted by Melbernai

We are using powder. I boil a kettle of water in the morning and then just keep it room temp during the day and I can just mix it up as I need it and no need to have to heat the bottles. Also it is easier for when we go out for more then an hour since I don't mix it till I use it.

This is what I do as well. I like the powder, although I never tried the RTF.

Posted 11/1/05 9:47 AM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

Well, considering the fact that my formula only comes in powder, I don't have any other option. I'm so used to the powdered now that I probably wouldn't change to RTF even if the option was there.

Posted 11/1/05 10:16 AM

Dad of Twins

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Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

We use the RTF bottles. If we are out and about, we either have a cooler to chill the bottles (or the container). Or, I just chuck it after using it once and get another one.

Posted 11/1/05 11:29 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Ready to Feed or Powder

I only used RTF I had tried the powder but marissa didn't like it cuz it is thinner then the RTF so I just stuck to the RTF or if I had to get something different then I used the Concentrated

Message edited 11/1/2005 11:51:50 AM.

Posted 11/1/05 11:51 AM

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