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Coming up with the money to pay....

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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Coming up with the money to pay....

a spin -off of sorts

For those who self pay the IVF ( or even IUIS etc)

Where do you get your moeny from if you feel comfortable saying.

Loans? 401K? Savings? Friends/Family?

any "creative " ideas that might help us now?

We dont have enough , or even CLOSE to enough in savings, not much at all. Were turned down for two loans and relaly have no one with a lot in savings to borrow from( except of course my BIL who won the lottery, has a gazillion $$$$ and said NO to a loan)

I need IDEAS!

Posted 8/3/06 10:25 PM
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Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

just sending hugs, that's all. Chat Icon

Posted 8/3/06 10:54 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

Donna. I am turning 40 (today) and DH is 41. The only debt we have is the house, which he bought before the boom. We both have excellent credit because we pay all our bills in full and always have, even during the lean years. I had a condo and sold it at a huge profit. So at this point in our lives, we have $$ in the bank for something like this. For 1 or 2 IVFs.

You are still young, at your age I wasn't anywhere near able to do any of this stuff had I wanted to. We lived (my ex and I) from paycheck to paycheck at that time.

Have you thought about switching jobs? I know you have but it seems you are in a field with high demand - perhaps you could find something with better coverage?

Hang in there, if nothing else you have time on your side....Chat Icon Chat Icon And I still am praying for you to get that grant girl.

Also, can NSUH work out a payment schedule for you? I have to say tho, I am getting bills from them for my HSG and they are astronomical!! Plus my insurance should have covered these so I don't know how they are filing...

Posted 8/4/06 8:58 AM

1 year already!!

Member since 5/05

3360 total posts


Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

Hi Donna -

As I hope you get the grant and this isn't even a topic any more for you here are some suggestions -

- what about a natural cycle IVF? they only cost about $4800. they are less $ because there are little to no meds involved, no anesthesia (sp?), no freezing costs,etc
you go on very little meds and just use the eggs you make on your own.

what about selling anything on Craigslist, ebay, etc
can you or DH pick up an extra job? my uncle used to make extra $$ by delivering pizzas on the weekend
- work for the LIRR (great IVF coverage)
- selll Avon or something extra on the side
- put it all on black in Atlantic City (j/k)

Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/06 9:17 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

Before I had insurance that would cover my IUI's I had 2 cycles of IUI's...I put it on a credit card, almost $6,000

Posted 8/4/06 9:31 AM

Better than the news!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

Just had to add I don't know how people do it after exhausting their savings, while paying bills, mortgages, rents, etc. My good friend did IVF 2x and exhausted her savings, so now she is working her butt off to make money to do another cycle in December, I think it is.
Anyway she is making stuff to sell, to do her IVF.
Hope you can find something to make extra $$$. Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/06 9:35 AM

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Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

Just want to give you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I would also suggest another job. Age is on your side right now. I am almost certain that you looked up INCIID for jobs that cover IF. It would help if you knew of jobs that were based out of NJ or MA but located in NY.

Posted 8/4/06 9:41 AM

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Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

We've been putting everything on the credit cards and paying off as much as we can each month.

We were not as disciplined as Kara and her DH and already had quite a bit of credit card debt. We've basically cut out everything we can to pay as much as we can towards the cc's each month and really pulled back on any cc spending.

It's not easy, it adds to my stress quite a bit.

Posted 8/4/06 10:43 AM

Time for me to FLY!

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

The whole thing is just so stressful...

My first 3 IVF's were covered at 80%. Then DH's job changed insurance Chat Icon

At the time, we were living in an apt and both were working, so we used savings.

Now, we bought a house, not realizing that I would still be doing IVF, and our savings are pretty much done, and to boot, I'm not working. We put some on cc's, and we are lucky enough that my parents are in a postion to help us, but I just hate that. Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/06 11:39 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

Chat Icon I didn't have to do this but perhaps now is a great time to look into a job switch or changing careers?

Posted 8/4/06 11:52 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

I have borrowed form Peter to pay Paul.

I used some of my grant money that was supposed to pay back loans. Refinanced my mortgage and now using some of that money. I know those wont help you.

But I did get a second job to make some extra money and DH and I are taking overtime shifts whenever its offered.

Plus when I get my computer back I will be selling everything I can on ebay! Anyone need an electric guitar?

Posted 8/4/06 12:25 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: Coming up with the money to pay.... much$$ or ballpark do you need out of pocket?

Did you tell DH's brother that the loan was for this??

Posted 8/4/06 2:25 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

Posted by MamaNDaddyof2 much$$ or ballpark do you need out of pocket?

Did you tell DH's brother that the loan was for this??

yes we told him.

We are looking at needing about $6000 If we get the Grant. If we dont get the grant, then we would need like $10K.

Posted 8/4/06 2:41 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by MamaNDaddyof2 much$$ or ballpark do you need out of pocket?

Did you tell DH's brother that the loan was for this??

yes we told him.

We are looking at needing about $6000 If we get the Grant. If we dont get the grant, then we would need like $10K.

no offense but he sounds like an a$$

there has to be a way $6,000 is better than $25,000 so maybe you can telemarket from home for a couple months or have a yard sale
hit up some relatives

post your story on Ebay and make bracelets and sell them for $5 with your story and let people know that proceeds will go to making your baby

Posted 8/4/06 4:26 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: Coming up with the money to pay....

We are on hold for the exact same reason...DH is supposed to be getting a job with the NYS Courts and then we may pursue IVF...until then it's wait and try au naturelChat Icon

Posted 8/4/06 5:50 PM

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